Your Daily Horoscope by Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have the confidence to achieve great things. But you might be experiencing it as something else, such as not wanting to leave the house, or being worried that you’ll get in trouble for expressing any originality or leadership. If you’re hesitating, think of it as a veil thrown over your … Read more

On With The Show

Dear Friend and Reader: The astrology we’re living through gets more interesting every week. Sometimes it seems like it’s ramping up exponentially — and starting now, it gets more interesting every day. As this happens we will be able to see with our eyes the most visually spectacular Full Moon of the year. We will … Read more

Father Knows Best

Dear Friend and Reader: Today’s article is from the “too scary to think about” file. One problem with this particular genre is that it leads most people into shutdown or mindless diversion mode just when what’s most necessary is to stay awake and pay attention. These days, it’s a thick file. Everything we hear about … Read more

Mars and Pallas Square Neptune: Big Brother is Listening

Dear Friend and Reader: As part of Saturday’s New Moon festivities, Mars and asteroid Pallas Athene, conjunct in Gemini, are square Neptune in Pisces. This is an aspect that looked like it would have some political implications, though I was hesitant to predict what. It did not look friendly. Mars square Neptune is a complicated … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Gemini New Moon Edition

Gemini New Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Gemini New Moon is highlighting how you think and the patterns in which your mind moves. Your mind is one of your most powerful tools. I suggest experimenting with a few new ideas and approaches to how you use it. When … Read more