Makemake and the Equinox

Dear Friend and Reader: Today is the equinox — the Sun arrived in Libra overnight Monday to Tuesday in most time zones where our readers live. What distinguishes this equinox from any other is that a planet called Makemake is right in that first degree of Libra, and the Sun is now aligned with it. … Read more

When Worlds Collide, Unusual Things Happen

Dear Friend and Reader: We are now in one of those clusters of astrological events, a wholly unique pattern that’s worth a close look. Under this astrology there are a number of critical situations developing in the world, including countries aligning to go to war in the Middle East, a lot of intense flooding and … Read more

The War Goes On

Dear Friend and Reader: I caught the rerun of Pres. Obama’s Wednesday night speech on MSNBC at about 3 am Thursday. By then it was already the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 incident, and I was watching the announcement of a new phase of a war — the perfect commemoration. Part of my consciousness was … Read more

Belief, Hope, Faith: Full Moon Conjunct Chiron-Borasisi

Dear Friend and Reader: Monday’s Full Moon in Pisces is one of those gems of astrology, as beautiful for its celestial poetry as for its significance as a moment of spiritual opening. The Pisces Full Moon is sublime, carrying an inherent mysticism that even atheists and skeptics will feel. The Moon loves Pisces, and the … Read more

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for September 2014

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for September 2014 | By Eric Francis September is the month of the Libra equinox, a time of balancing out our lives. It’s been an intense year — more or less productive, and for some, a bit tumultuous. If you can manage it, take a week or two to coast and … Read more