In the Belly of the Internet

Dear Friend and Reader: February arrives at the depth of winter in most of the Northern Hemisphere, when we live in the shadow of cold, rain and snow. Within February’s first few days lies one of the four high holidays — or sabbats — of the pagan calendar, called Imbolc in Celtic times. Its corresponding … Read more

Aquarius New Moon, Mercury Retrograde and a Hot Splash of Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re about to enter one of those rapidly developing weather patterns over the next few days. Just before that happens, we will be putting the finishing touches onto Cosmophilia, your 2015 annual readings. Those have taken me about a week longer than planned, with the main benefit being this is the … Read more

Cause and Effect are Never Separate

Dear Friend and Reader: Yesterday once again the world was greeted by a mass shooting. This one happened in Paris, a place free from serious terrorist attacks for more than 50 years. Tweets and therefore news reports rippled out within minutes of the incident. It became a global event, which I will define as spreading … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide to the 21st Century

Dear Friend and Reader: It’s taken me 14 years to get a handle on the 21st century, but I finally feel like I’m making some progress. One thing that I will say is that I’m learning how helpful it is to look to the past for some information about where we are today. It may … Read more

Cuban Missile Crisis Finally Over

Dear Friend and Reader: The year seems to be ending on a positive note. Kenahorah! There are still two weeks to go, which include a rockin’ winter solstice, the Capricorn New Moon and a sign change of Saturn. Before I get into Cuba, New York’s ban on fracking and the solstice, in case you’re not aware, tonight … Read more