Treading the Razor-Edged Path of Libra

Dear Friend and Reader: Mercury is retrograde in Libra, and at least as far as I’m experiencing it, this has opened the way to a useful discussion of relationships and sexuality. If it has not for you, this might be a time to bring up the topic where you feel it’s necessary or appropriate. Now … Read more

An Eclipse to Remember

I’m looking and I’m dreaming for the first time And I’m inside and I’m outside at the same time And everything is real Do I like the way I feel? — David Byrne Dear Friend and Reader: Sunday night (early Monday in some time zones), the Moon will form an opposition to the early Libra … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Aries Full Moon Edition

By Len Wallick Aries (March 20-April 19) — Assume for a moment that you have at least one wonderful, undiscovered talent — unknown even to yourself. How would you become conscious of that latent proficiency? This is not an idle question. At this time there are indications you have a native gift that has not yet … Read more

Where Ideas Meet Ideals: Saturn in Sagittarius

Dear Friend and Reader: Thursday, Sept. 17 is one of those days when everything happens, though in my view Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius is the main event. All the surrounding fanfare feels like an initiation ceremony for what will be an interesting phase of collective and personal history. Saturn’s two-year journey through Sagittarius involves squares … Read more

Everything Under the Sun

Dear Friend and Reader: On Sunday, the Moon and Sun form a conjunction in Virgo, which is the New Moon and also a partial solar eclipse. This leads into what may be the most interesting day of the year, Thursday, Sept. 17, when Mercury stations retrograde in Libra, Saturn enters Sagittarius for the next two … Read more