Finding Uncommon Ground in Politics

Dear Friend and Reader: The political nominating conventions have made for difficult watching. I must admit that I maxed out on the Republican National Convention (RNC) last week, and have only been sampling snippets of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), which climaxes Thursday night with the first major-party female candidate for president accepting her nomination. … Read more

How Not to Go Insane

Dear Friend and Reader: Based on even a cursory reading of the news, or listening to anyone speak for more than five minutes, the mental health problem is now obviously at the pandemic scale. Random acts of violence, the lack of the obligation to make any sense, and a frantic feeling that seems to be … Read more

Mars, Claiming its Individuality from the Mass

Dear Friend and Reader: A few years ago during some incident of racial hell popping, I wrote to my American Studies professor at SUNY Buffalo, Dr. Robert Knox Dentan, and asked him what he thought was going on. He wrote back and said that this is all easier to understand if you accept that the … Read more

Mars Direct: Our New Micro Environment

Dear Friend and Reader: Mars has been direct for a little more than a week. This is describing a new phase of astrological life, outside the somewhat contained experience of Mars retrograde from April 17 through June 29. Inner planet retrogrades can feel like bubbles of time. What happens inside the bubble tends to stay … Read more

Mars Station Direct: What Just Happened?

Dear Friend and Reader: What the heck just happened with that Mars retrograde and its station direct yesterday? No doubt you’ve been trying to notice what you feel, paying especially close attention to what you have and have not wanted to do; maybe you’ve checked back over your journal entries between mid-April and now. But … Read more