Beltane: Goddess, Love and Abundance

Dear Friend and Reader: Strange to imagine, but we’re already at the mid-spring holiday. That’s called Beltane. After April Fool’s Day, it’s my favorite ‘special’ day of the year, as it makes such a lovely point: of honoring the Earth and women as part of the divine feminine, which is to say, the basis of … Read more

Mercury, Uranus, Eris: Untangling Our Moment

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re now in the last week of Mercury retrograde, and what a tangled web it’s weaving. This won’t last forever, though it needs to be handled carefully now. Because I’m writing a daily horoscope, I’ve had these aspects under a microscope, watching them go by day by day. It’s been interesting … Read more

Collateral Damage

Dear Friend and Reader: With Mercury stationing retrograde, a Full Moon passing through town and Venus getting ready to station direct, it’s been a rough week in the public sphere. Let’s see: there was Sean Spicer, Trump’s spokesman, claiming — during Passover — that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons. Then he bungled his various “apologies,” … Read more

Venus, in Search of Chiron

Dear Friend and Reader: Over the next few days, there are two developments with retrograde inner planets, and an exciting alignment between the Sun and the Uranus-Eris conjunction. This is a vibrant, passionate series of events, interweaving the energies of three contiguous signs: Pisces, Aries and Taurus. Let’s look at the basic facts, then I’ll … Read more

BREAKING: Trump Bans April Fool’s Day

From Combined Wire Service Reports, proofread by Planet Waves WASHINGTON, March 30 — Pres. Trump today signed an executive order ending April Fool’s Day once and for all. The annual unofficial holiday, first referenced in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales in 1392, is traditionally reserved for pranks and hoaxes. But now, there won’t be so much as … Read more