Leo and the Sphinx

Leo and the Sphinx Once I lived down the street from the Great Sphinx for a week. What was most impressive was how unimpressive it was — at first sight, that is. It’s not nearly as large as it seems in photos, or maybe the scale of the desert background creates the sense that it’s … Read more

When the Molasses Levee Breaks

When the Molasses Levee Breaks Regarding Saturn in Leo, I’ve said everything I have to say — this week, anyway in my column on Jonathan’s site, which is here: http://cainer.com/ericfrancis/eric.html This is the third in a series on Saturn in Leo. A prior edition ran the week before, and I posted an introduction about one … Read more

All the Usual Suspects

All the Usual Suspects A Paris sport newspaper summed it up before it even happened: Pourquoi Londres? “Why London?” The prophetic headline, printed Thursday morning, actually referred to the 2012 Olympic games, for which Paris was passed over Wednesday afternoon. Had the question referred to Thursday morning’s bombings, it would have been somewhat more naïve. … Read more

Varuna New Moon

Varuna New Moon Silently in the distant heavens behind the July 5-6 Cancer New Moon is the planet Varuna. One of several named bodies orbiting our Sun beyond Pluto, Varuna was discovered in 2000 and given the honor of minor planet catalogue number 20,000, an indication of how important it was considered by astronomers at … Read more

The Gateways to Life

The Gateways to Life AS THE SUN makes its annual apparent trip around the ecliptic, I check in with a book I often mention, called Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey. I review her notes about the significance of the astrological signs, and then take a few other excursions as curiosity leads — such as … Read more