Retrograde: A Review

Retrograde: A Review I am beginning to think of Mercury retrograde as a sport. It is, at least, a kind of game. In any event, my planned Friday article fell through the cracks of a fast-motion week, though just in time to decide that it would be a better idea to continue the outer-planet discussion … Read more

Psychic Weather Advisory & Inner Space

Feb. 26 | Psychic Weather Advisory (from PW Blog) BEFORE I resume with my analysis of the entire world in Monday’s blog edition, if nobody minds, I’ll slip in a little mundane astrology — a weather advisory re. the Pisces New Moon and also Mercury stationing retrograde in Pisces. That’s a lot of Pisces, particularly … Read more

Key Life Transits: Uranian Opposition

Key Life Transits: Uranian Opposition URANIAN opposition is a transit that occurs somewhere between the ages of 39 and 42, sometimes spanning the whole date range. The exact age depends on the time of year you were born, and the time in the Uranus cycle you were born. Also (as with all outer planet transits) … Read more

Planet Waves for March

Dear Friend and Reader: One of the fun surprises of sending out the new password last week was discovering that there are some readers who did not know that we also publish Planet Waves Weekly to a subscriber Web page, and others who discovered Parallel Worlds for the first time. So in case there are … Read more

Key Life Transits, Part 1: Pluto Square

Key Life Transits, part one: Pluto Square THERE ARE two kinds of astrological transits, or personal planetary events: the kind that are specific to certain individuals because of how their chart is set up; and the kind that affect large swaths of the population based on the year of birth. Strangely enough, the ones that … Read more