Buddha Moon World

Planet Waves Weekly #610 – Friday, May 12, 2006 By Eric Francis Happy Birthday Taurus This is a peak moment in your life, and rather than saying you have to take the bad along with the good, I suggest that you take the good along with the usual challenges. That’s because the usual challenges will … Read more

Lemonade for May

Planet Waves by Eric Francis Monthly horoscope LEMONADE, May 2006. Note to readers, you can find 15 months of archives of the Lemonade horoscope in a special subscriber-only content area that we launched at the beginning of the year. Please check the “login” area. NOTE: A password update will arrive in a little while. This … Read more

Inner Space for May + Eros Area

Inner Space by Eric Francis Monthly for May 2006 May has a strange combination of traditions: from Celtic lore, the celebration of rebirth, the spring and sexuality, based on the tradition of The May and of Beltane. The May Queen and the Green Man make their appearances at this time, reminding us that life continues … Read more

Beltane and the Taurus New Moon

Beltane and the Taurus New Moon THURSDAY arrived with the Taurus New Moon. This opens the season of Beltane, which is the cross-quarter holiday or ‘high sabbat’ of spring. Traditionally, this is celebrated around when the Sun reaches the midpoint between spring equinox and summer solstice. This year that falls May 5. The Moon will … Read more

Planet Waves for May

Planet Waves Monthly by Eric Francis for May 2006 Aries (March 20-April 19) One theme of your chart for the past 18 months has been becoming what you’ve previously sought outside yourself. In a way, this involves embodying your opposite personality, or opposite qualities. You may want to notice what you seek in others for … Read more