Mars Opposite Jupiter: Aim for Being Truthful

  Dear Friend and Reader: Just a reminder — I am taking it easy today, in honor of the Beltane holiday, and I’ll be back with a new Planet Waves FM either Tuesday or in one week. Saturday, May 4, was the Taurus New Moon, at the midpoint of that sign. Saturn and Pluto are … Read more

The President’s Joseph McCarthy

Dear Friend and Reader: Thursday, the Attorney General of the United States refused to testify before the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. Yes, he skipped school on an important day. Call the truancy officer. He was going to be asked about why he lied to the American people about the content of the Special Counsel’s … Read more

This Week’s Astrology: More Exciting Squares for You

Dear Friend and Reader: May 4 is the Beltane New Moon — a Sun-Moon conjunction right at the midpoint of Taurus. We’re not up to that yet; more details will be in Thursday’s edition, and then Monday Morning 175 one week from today. Keep this event on your radar, however. It’s unusual to have a … Read more

Taurus at the Speed of Sound

Dear Friend and Reader: Earlier this week, we experienced the first of seven Sun-Uranus conjunctions in Taurus (that was Monday, April 22). News events are moving at a dizzying pace, and defy comprehension. At the time I’m writing this article on April 25, it’s been just over a week since the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, … Read more

Beginning of the Great Adventure

Dear Friend and Reader: Monday, the Sun is conjunct Uranus in Taurus for the first time. Last year when the Sun conjoined Uranus, it was still in Aries, before making a brief visit to Taurus last spring and summer. I’ve found that conjunctions of the Sun to outer planets give a clue to how the … Read more