Twice in a Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: TAURUS AND SCORPIO present us with the most basic images of vitality, prosperity and the cycles of life and death. These two signs are represented by Venus and Mars, fundamental polarities for understanding life on Earth: male and female, and the delicate, absolutely unique inner balance of the two that every … Read more

Sun conjunct Eris: Calling home the castaway woman

Dear Friend and Reader: LAST NIGHT I was on one of my etymology hunts, this time for the word pious. (The last time it was the group of words shy, shun, eschew.) Someone actually described herself that way to me the other day, as pious, after she had come in for an interview for nude modeling. As one who … Read more

Inner Space for April 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) You must embody the principle of strategy. That means you need to think clearly, and work with a plan; and with any good plan, it needs to be reviewed on a continuous basis. This kind of clarity may be difficult when you actually seem to be embodying the principle of emotional impulse. … Read more

Mrs. McEvoy and the Case of the Secret Birth Data

By Chris Brennan WITH THE Pennsylvania primary fast approaching, the astrologer’s search for the presidential candidates’ reliable birth data shifts from curious research to a scramble. An unprecedented lack of information on any of the candidates leaves us wondering how to forecast the election, and the unfortunately-timed death of astrologer Frances McEvoy adds an interesting twist … Read more

One House at a Time

Dear Aries: You were born a fighter, and you live in an excellent time in history to have that particular trait. I am fortunately not a psychiatrist, but I am coming around to the observation that we live in a time of mass cultural depression: of the human spirit held down, held back, its options … Read more