Planet Waves Inner Space -July 2008

Aries (March 21-April 19) If you don’t feel safe now, when will you? So get with it. One’s sense of security is better measured not by the quality of locks on the front door, but rather by the sense of beauty within one’s heart and home. True safety is not about defense or offense, it is … Read more

The Big 8 ::

New Moon in Capricorn By Kirsti Melto and Eric Francis | Lunations WE ARE currently in an extended phase of Aries Point events. The first New Moon of the New Year falls at 17+ degrees of Capricorn, in one of the cardinal signs, and qualifies for an Aries Point event. The news is reflecting the astrological Aries … Read more

The Country of Our Dreams

Dear Friend and Reader: IN HONOR of an issue on July 4, I thought I would take a look at the chart for the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Independence Day is considered by most people to be the birthday of our country — the moment when the 13 colonies joined together against the … Read more

The Gateway: Cancer Birthdays for 2008

Dear Friend and Reader: CANCER is considered the archetype of the mother, home of the Moon, home of the home. In Esoteric Astrology, the Tibetan writing through Alice Bailey tells us that Cancer is the gateway into incarnation and one of the signs of esoteric initiation. In the Thema Mundi, it is the ascendant of the world. … Read more

A Psychological Process

Dear Friend and Reader: IN THE LATE 1970s, a book was channeled that appeared five or so years later under the title The Starseed Transmissions by Raphael (later revealed to be Ken Carey). It was circulated underground as a photocopied typescript for years, and I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy. Before that happened, though, one … Read more