On the Turning Away

Dear Friend and Reader: Before I visited Buchenwald, I visited Ilvers Gehoffen. Everyone has seen photos of concentration camps, but you would not recognize this one. It’s set in a neighborhood outside Erfurt, where the Holocaust is said to have begun. I know there are several places this is claimed to have happened, though the … Read more

On the Turning Away

Dear Friend and Reader: Before I visited Buchenwald, I visited Ilvers Gehoffen. Everyone has seen photos of concentration camps, but you would not recognize this one. It’s set in a neighborhood outside Erfurt, where the Holocaust is said to have begun. I know there are several places this is claimed to have happened, though the … Read more

Sun Square Chiron: Quest for Self-Expression

Dear Friend and Reader: This week the Sun, newly in Cancer, forms a square to Chiron in Aries. Sun-Chiron aspects suggest a discussion about the ways in which self-expression is damaged, stunted or actively resisted by forces in society and psyche. Sun square Chiron happens twice a year (the conjunction and opposition each happen once … Read more

Vesta Conjunct Uranus: The Unusual Journey of Self

Dear Friend and Reader: One of the highlights of the rather eventful Northern Solstice chart (set for Friday, June 21, 2019, when the Sun enters the tropical sign Cancer) is Vesta conjunct Uranus. Vesta was the fourth-discovered asteroid, spotted in 1807. It’s the brightest asteroid, and was named for the goddess attended by the keepers … Read more

Tempests and Tides

Dear Friend and Reader: Whether they know it or not, people all over the world are witnessing an event that perfectly illustrates our current high-pressure, confrontational astrology: the slowly growing beat of war drums as Saudi Arabia joins the U.S., Israel and the U.K. in blaming Iran for attacks on two oil tankers in the … Read more