The December Surprise

Dear Friend and Reader: AMERICANS AND Congress finally stood up to the Bush administration this week, dumping a $700 billion bailout package for banks that were run by guys whose conduct would have had them thrown out of a casino. Monday, hours after the Libra New Moon, the nation — literally, anyone who could get … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space – October 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) You may want to give a domestic partner, lover or romantic interest time to sort out their seeming confusion. Most people are not as impetuous as you are, and for someone you care about, this is a time when they can experiment with not being so stuck inside. In particular, they need … Read more

Talking Backwards

Dear Friend and Reader: YESTERDAY, CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS, the White House and the two presidential candidates agreed to an additional $700 billion rescue of the nation’s financial system in the wake of last week’s Wall Street meltdown. By last night, the agreement had unraveled, spurred by a revolt in the Republican caucus of the House of … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly – October 2008

Dear Friend and Reader: MERCURY IS RETROGRADE from Sept. 24 through the first half of October. The retrograde begins two days after the Libra equinox and ends just as the Moon reaches the full phase in Aries. The Oct. 14 Full Moon is a dramatic event, coming at the peak of the national political campaigns. At … Read more

Full Moon Over Wall Street

“A WATERSHED moment.” “A crossroads.” “Things will never be the same again.” “Is anybody awakening to the fact that there is a new reality at hand?” These words were spoken in the space of five minutes on CNN’s Lou Dobbs program Wednesday night. By now, most of us know — at least in outline form, … Read more