Sun Conjunct Retrograde Mercury, and Solar Leo

Dear Friend and Reader: This morning (Sunday), retrograde Mercury and the Sun aligned in a conjunction, marking the midpoint of Mercury retrograde. That retrograde ends on July 31, with Mercury in a square to Eris (and conjunct the recent eclipse degree). This suggests that we’re heading toward some unexpected development that has the power to … Read more

Capricorn Eclipse: Feeling Out Saturn-Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader: This Tuesday, July 16, is the Capricorn Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse. It’s essentially direct-dialing into the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 2020 — no operator to transfer the call, no Skype interface, no going straight to voicemail. Whatever comes up for you this week with this eclipse is most likely … Read more

Thoughts on Depression

Dear Friend and Reader: I’m back a little early from my break with a note about a topic that I think needs to be focused and given some language. I’m aware that a good few people are going through rough times right now, on the psychological, spiritual or emotional levels. They are all related; we … Read more

Shifting Gears: Mercury Retrograde and More

Dear Friend and Reader: Mercury is stationary and just switched to apparent retrograde motion at 7:14 pm EDT (23:14:20 UTC) tonight. It will station direct on July 31 (or Aug. 1 for some time zones). You can read a little more about tonight’s chart here. Of course, no planets actually physically change direction; it’s just a … Read more

All Hail Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Dear Friend and Reader: The next event up is Tuesday’s total solar eclipse in Cancer. This is part of the first eclipse pair solidly on the Cancer/Capricorn axis since around 2009. These are the eclipses that start to ring the bell on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of Jan. 12, 2020, whatever that is about. Well, we … Read more