A woman, risen from the sea

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: The other day I got curious about the term ‘self-actualization’, which I hadn’t heard for years. The first time I encountered it as a kid (in the ’70s, when people seemed to talk about this stuff more than we do today) I intuitively knew what it meant. To me, it was … Read more

Earth, stationing direct…

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Tuesday to you. Mercury, after being retrograde since April 18, stations direct in Taurus today at 6:26 pm in NY, 3:26 pm in California and 11:26 pm in England. It has been a heck of a retrograde for life on the planet: a volcano, an oil volcano, a bitterly fought election … Read more

Tales from Topographic Oceans

What happened to wonders we once knew so well? Did we forget what happened, surely we can tell. — Jon Anderson, Yes Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: It’s ominous to me that the explosion aboard the BP/Transocean/Mitsubishi oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico happened within hours of Chiron entering Pisces on April 20. Chiron, a … Read more

Mercury, stationing direct, and…

Dear Friend and Reader: Mercury stations direct in Taurus on Tuesday or overnight Tuesday to Wednesday in most time zones in our readership. This retrograde began April 18. Two days later, a BP/Transocean/Mitsubishi oil platform exploded, creating a high-pressure undersea oil gusher which is slowly turning the Gulf of Mexico black. There was a failed … Read more

It’s Eleven Fifty-Nine

Dear Friend and Subscriber: We’ve just been through one of those weeks that’s going to look really interesting in a historical chronology 10 years from now. The overall effect is a series of events that call attention to all of the most meaningful global issues we are facing at our current moment of transition. Astrologically, … Read more