Time to Get into Gear

Dear Friend and Reader: Have you noticed that some weeks feel more clearly than others like a car shifting into a higher gear? This looks like one of those weeks, though you might not notice the full effect until we’re closer to the weekend. According to our astrological road map, we have two major planets … Read more

Interval of Possibility

Dear Friend and Reader: Over the weekend, astrology did one of those handoffs from one era to the next. All year long, we’ve been under the influence of the Jupiter square Neptune aspect, what you might think of as a bubble of unreality. That aspect completed and began to separate on Sept. 21, meaning it … Read more

From the Bubbly to the Gritty

Dear Friend and Reader: Monday’s Libra Equinox chart contains two plot lines that converge at this crucial turning point of the year. Since early January, we’ve been under the influence of Jupiter square Neptune. This unusual event — Jupiter in its native sign Sagittarius, and Neptune in its sign of modern rulership, Pisces — has … Read more

From One Conjunction to Another

Dear Friend and Reader: My phone rang at 7:30 this morning. I was up making breakfast for my canines. It was a potential client, planning a career move at about age 50. He has his Sun in Aquarius, and was talking about his plans for late 2020. He knew that there was about to be … Read more

Jupiter-Neptune, and Saturn Stations Direct

Dear Friend and Reader: Congratulations on making it through last week. I’m hearing from a number of people that it was an especially challenging build-up to the Full Moon, which peaked early on Saturday — as in, not a typical Pisces Full Moon at all. Personally, I found it to be marked by a variety … Read more