Into the Water — but Not off the Deep End

Water has been the dominant element in the charts this month, as the Sun moves through Cancer and particularly as we recently experienced a solar eclipse in there that is still sending out its waves. Venus is also in the sensitive sign Cancer, making aspects to many planets. This reminds us of what I think … Read more

The World in a Grain of Pholus

So leave me now the Moon is up But remember all the tales I tell The memories that you have dredged up Are on letters forwarded from hell — Joe Strummer / “Something About England“ Dear Friend and Reader: Every now and then, a significant global event affirms the theme of one of the recently … Read more

The Thunder Moon & the Hero’s Journey

By Gary P. Caton The Capricorn Full Moon is exact Friday, July 15 at 2:40 am EDT. One beautiful thing about the Full Moon is that more than most of the events astrologers write about, it’s almost always visible. Even if it’s not, Full Moon energy is so obvious that everyone who is vaguely sensitive, or … Read more

Why Does the Moon?

Dear Friend and Reader: At first look, the Casey Anthony verdict earlier this week was shocking: to many it was obvious that she killed her daughter Caylee. On closer look, it’s clear that the prosecution did not prove its case, and that they went too far in seeking the death penalty in a situation without … Read more

After the Eclipses: Unfolding the Cardinal Square

Dear Friend and Reader: July began with the third of three eclipses in just one month, and it was an impressive one. You may be aware that the influential planets Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are arranged in what is called a T-square (three planets at right angles). This has been going on for a while … Read more