A Vast Public Park

Dear Friend and Reader: This week if you dared to turn on the television, you had your choice of the Earthquake Channel or the Riot Channel. These are both tragic situations, deserving of news coverage. Yet, as usual, coverage translated to needless over-focus, coming with the sensation that the world is ending. That point was … Read more

Moonshine Horoscope — Scorpio Full Moon Edition

By Len Wallick Aries (March 20-April 19) — You can’t go home again. It isn’t the same, much less what you remembered. Even if a place of residence or origin could somehow be preserved without change, your own continuous evolution while away would alter your perception upon return. Yet, there is a continuum in the sense … Read more

What the Karmapa Said

Dear Friend and Reader: The translator was laughing so hard he could not speak. He seemed to have heard the funniest thing in his life. We were all waiting for the English version of what Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the Tibetan Buddhist leader known as the 17th Karmapa, had said. The monastery up in Woodstock, New … Read more

Is America Ready for a Male First Lady?

Dear Friend and Reader: On Sunday, Hillary Clinton ended all the wild speculation and informed us she would be running for president. This raises an important question — is America ready for a male First Lady? Could Bill Clinton handle the important responsibilities associated with being the president’s spouse? Can a man, even one who … Read more

Eris is Spending the Weekend

Dear Friend and Reader: I haven’t mentioned Eris for a while. Those of you newer to Planet Waves may not have been privy to prior discussions, so I’ll make sure this article links to resources in case you want to go deeper into this truly contemporary astrology subject that is so rarely mentioned. Eris was … Read more