The Most Interesting Month Since the Ocean

Dear Friend and Reader: June will be a big month for the water signs. That’s good news for everyone, unless your only friend is a cactus (and they love water too, just not too much of it). Water is the most delicate element, essential to supporting life on our planet. It’s as basic as oxygen, … Read more

Life Passages: The Return of Saturn

I am older than I once was / And younger than I’ll be… After changes upon changes / We are more or less the same — Paul Simon, from the missing verse of “The Boxer” There was never any more inception than there is now, Nor any more youth or age than there is now,  … Read more

Bursting Free: Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Dear Friend and Reader: Yesterday we began our experience of a solar eclipse in Taurus. The nice thing about eclipses is that their effects last a while. Some astrologers say a few months, many say six months, though as I do lots of world horoscopes, I’ve noticed that the eclipses have effects that can last … Read more

Beltane: All Wealth Comes from the Earth

Dear Friend and Reader: A few times I got to hang out with one of my now-departed neighbors in the Hudson Valley, legendary music agent Alfred Schweitzman. His client list reads like the roster of our most beloved crop of Ulster County rock stars (including The Band and Todd Rundgren) among many others. He used to give the best New Year’s … Read more

Once Upon a Time in Boston

Dear Friend and Reader: I walked into Dominick’s Cafe to buy some newspapers on Saturday, April 20, and Dominick asked me: “What the heck just happened in Boston?” That’s the question, isn’t it. And it’s a good one. The fairytale version goes like this: Terrifying, mysterious bombers attacked the crowd at a great athletic event. … Read more