Dark Knight of the Uranus-Pluto Square

Dear Friend and Reader: It’s been a trying week. Both the Moon and Mars moved through the Uranus-Pluto square, forming a grand cross on Wednesday shortly before the Cancer New Moon. With much of the United States engulfed in stultifying heat and humidity and many other places in drought, the weather as well as the … Read more

Moon in a Grand Cross: An Edgy Tuesday

Dear Friend and Reader: I’m here with a short note about today’s astrology. At the moment the Moon is in Cancer (sensitive, receptive, moody), making many aspects to planets you may be familiar with: the Uranus-Pluto square, which currently includes Mars in Libra. Mars, Uranus and Pluto are now in a very close alignment — … Read more

Who Was Woody Guthrie?

Dear Fellow Traveler: Who was Woody Guthrie, really? I ask this acknowledging how little we know about the human experience — where we come from, where we are, the true history of our planet, and what the purpose of our journey here is. One thing we can say for sure is that we experience considerable … Read more

Pholus the Centaur: Small Cause, Big Effect

Dear Friend and Reader: In prior editions of this column I have mentioned Chiron, a planet orbiting our Sun that was discovered in 1977. Chiron, named for one of the wise (as opposed to rogue) centaurs of Greek mythology, addresses matters of holistic healing and is therefore directly related to homeopathy and all forms of alternative … Read more

Working up to Sun Square Saturn; Venus square Chiron

When I was a cub newspaper reporter who whose editor happened to be an astrologer, we were involuntarily instructed in the cosmic science. Flo Higgins, editor of the Echoes-Sentinel (infamous for moonlighting as an astrologer) would stamp around the office in her high heels, informing us of the impending astrology as we wrote our missives about the … Read more