Destination: Gemini

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: We have reached that moment of the Sun’s ingress through Gemini. This astrological cycle, which began last night or this morning (depending on your time zone) presents us with some of the most adventurous astrology of our generation. Yes — designed to shake us up and therefore potentially frightening to some, … Read more

A woman, risen from the sea

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: The other day I got curious about the term ‘self-actualization’, which I hadn’t heard for years. The first time I encountered it as a kid (in the ’70s, when people seemed to talk about this stuff more than we do today) I intuitively knew what it meant. To me, it was … Read more

Tales from Topographic Oceans

What happened to wonders we once knew so well? Did we forget what happened, surely we can tell. — Jon Anderson, Yes Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: It’s ominous to me that the explosion aboard the BP/Transocean/Mitsubishi oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico happened within hours of Chiron entering Pisces on April 20. Chiron, a … Read more

It’s Eleven Fifty-Nine

Dear Friend and Subscriber: We’ve just been through one of those weeks that’s going to look really interesting in a historical chronology 10 years from now. The overall effect is a series of events that call attention to all of the most meaningful global issues we are facing at our current moment of transition. Astrologically, … Read more

Pisces, Chiron and Whole-System Thinking

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: To celebrate Earth Day, I took Thursday morning off and went to the Grandmother Land, a place I’m friendly with that’s tucked away in the mountains of central Ulster County. My day-to-day work has me looking into glowing rectangles much of the time, they are hypnotic and I’m aware that part … Read more