Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – October 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS We’ve just wrapped up another spell of Mercury retrograde, and passed by the Libra Equinox — but some of the most exciting astrology of the year is still ahead of us. That would involve Saturn, which changes signs to Libra on Oct. 29 and makes a square aspect to Pluto. Saturn changing … Read more

The Mighty Equinox

Dear Friend and Reader: Earlier this week, we experienced the first Libra equinox with Pluto in Capricorn: Sun square Pluto in the cardinal signs. This is the most recent of many firsts associated with this still-new Pluto transit. In a few weeks Saturn will enter Libra and we’ll experience another major event: Saturn in Libra … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – October 2009

United Nations Climate Summit Begins Today is the mighty Libra equinox, the first in which the Sun is exactly square Pluto in Capricorn, with both points precisely aspecting the Aries Point. Apropos of this astrology, leaders of more than 100 countries are convening at the United Nations today for a summit on climate change. Secretary-General … Read more

Patrick Swayze: Lover, Fighter, Buddhist (and Leo)

Actor Patrick Swayze, who died of pancreatic cancer on Sept. 14 at age 57, seemed to defy one of the stereotypes that society and, especially, Hollywood have cultivated: Tough guys can’t be sensitive. That alleged contradiction was his hallmark in Dirty Dancing, and in Ghost, and even in Road House, where he both knocked heads and waxed philosophical. “Get … Read more

The Man: Humanity in Transformation

Dear Friend and Reader: I spent most of last week at Burning Man, a kind of festival in the Nevada desert held each Labor Day. The event takes its name from the burning of a giant neon and wooden effigy of a man, which is burned on Saturday night as 40,000 people gather around and … Read more