Mercury, Sagittarius and the Freedom to Think for Yourself

  Coming Home to Potlatch By Judith Gayle | Political Waves Turkey Day is behind us, although there are probably leftovers in your fridge. That’s the best perk of the holiday, to my mind, except for the gathering of family, but I suppose that depends on whether you like your family or not. One of my favorite … Read more

Saturn, Pluto and the Hormone Cycle

Dear Friend and Reader: Where were we? Which page of history, exactly? Except for emailing grandma from the computer in your pocket and cars that talk to us (but still run on gas), we could be alive in any century or decade you like. One minute it feels like ancient Greece, then it’s Rome, then … Read more

Beyond the Reactionary Floorshow

Dear Friend and Reader: Sometimes I wonder if humanity is not a puppet, subject only to the influences coming from outside. I say this because as we approach the first exact square of Saturn and Pluto, events of recent days are so characteristic of this aspect that it leads me to wonder how, exactly, these … Read more

Scorpio Wave Pulse

Dear Friend and Reader: A wave of energy through Scorpio is likely to bring secrets to light. You will discover them yourself first, then the next step will be to tell others. Make sure you confide in someone who you know cares about you. The kinds of personal revelations that are possible will come from … Read more

Personal, Political: Scorpio and Aquarius

Dear Friend and Reader: A wave of energy currently moving through Scorpio is likely to bring your most private thoughts to the surface of your awareness. You will discover them yourself first, then the next step is likely to be the need or the inspiration to tell others. I would regard this as a healthy … Read more