From the Ground In: Taurus Birthdays for 2008

Dear Taurus: THEME ONE in the coming few seasons is money, but it’s impossible to separate this from Theme Two: self-respect. Let’s take it from the top. Taurus is allegedly the sign of money, but I’m not so sure. It may be the sign of what we possess, value and have access to, but those … Read more

Monthly for May 2008

May is the season of Beltane — the peak of springtime and the pre-Christian celebration of life, love and Eros. This year we have the Taurus New Moon occurring directly on Beltane, May 5. The New Moon is often an internally-oriented time, though deep inner space is an excellent place from which to share with yourself or … Read more

Inner Space for April 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) You must embody the principle of strategy. That means you need to think clearly, and work with a plan; and with any good plan, it needs to be reviewed on a continuous basis. This kind of clarity may be difficult when you actually seem to be embodying the principle of emotional impulse. … Read more

One House at a Time

Dear Aries: You were born a fighter, and you live in an excellent time in history to have that particular trait. I am fortunately not a psychiatrist, but I am coming around to the observation that we live in a time of mass cultural depression: of the human spirit held down, held back, its options … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly – April 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) Most people take the necessity of communication for granted. Perhaps this is because so few people are actually willing to listen. More likely, it’s because when we reveal our plans, ideas or needs, we stand a pretty good chance of getting shot down or plagiarized. You have reached a point where you … Read more