Inconvenient Reasoning

      Today’s horoscope is the June 2007 monthly for Lemonade, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly number 666 by Eric Francis. Aries (March 20-April 19) You need new ideas about life, and therefore you need to look for them in new places. You may be feeling this, as well as a bit of fear … Read more

Taking a Moment

      Monthly Inner Space for June 2007, standing in for weekly horoscope #665 – By ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) Your chart is giving the impression you’re living at work these days. If so, I suggest you bring in a real toaster oven rather than a microwave. In fact, bring in home-cooked meals … Read more

On Birds and Dreams

Gemini Solar Returns, 2007 By Eric Francis Dear Gemini Friend and Reader: It would be easy to sum up Gemini birthdays this year as beginning the time of completion of Pluto in Sagittarius, a transit that has been a profound influence in your life the past dozen years. That, however, is mostly in the background, … Read more

Growing Up

By Eric Francis IT MUST BE terrifying finding out you live in a dormitory contaminated with dioxins. Imagine: you’re 18 years old and you’re having a great time at college. Then one day at the end of the year, you find out that your building had an electrical fire so long ago that nobody remembers, … Read more

New Paltz May 10: There’s Nothing You Can Do That Can’t be Done

TONIGHT I get to speak to the campus community for the first time in 16 years about the dioxin and PCB situation in its dorms. In other words, speak about the moral blight, the slowly unfolding environmental crime, the incomprehensible scandal, located on top of a hill in the middle of town. After writing about … Read more