Beltane and the Taurus New Moon

Beltane and the Taurus New Moon THURSDAY arrived with the Taurus New Moon. This opens the season of Beltane, which is the cross-quarter holiday or ‘high sabbat’ of spring. Traditionally, this is celebrated around when the Sun reaches the midpoint between spring equinox and summer solstice. This year that falls May 5. The Moon will … Read more

Planet Waves for May

Planet Waves Monthly by Eric Francis for May 2006 Aries (March 20-April 19) One theme of your chart for the past 18 months has been becoming what you’ve previously sought outside yourself. In a way, this involves embodying your opposite personality, or opposite qualities. You may want to notice what you seek in others for … Read more

Psyche Speaks – revised

Psyche Speaks Who will save your soul from all the lies that you told? — Jewel chart >> SO it’s not exactly the most exciting thing in the world when a couple of guys in suits get new jobs, but on the current Great Stage these are pretty special guys and anyway, politics is … Read more

Threading the Eye of the Nuclear needle

Threading the Eye of the Nuclear Needle READER WARNING — there are intelligent people who believe that nuking Iran is a good idea. You may be one of them; I don’t know. If so, please don’t take offense. This article is not directed personally at you. I’m just trying to save the world. Before I … Read more

Flaunt for April

Planet Waves by Eric Francis FLAUNT, April 2006 Aries (March 20-April 19) Now you know what it feels like to be a cosmic phenomenon: something that many people marvel at, that can be interpreted many ways, and that nobody really understands. You, however, have finally come up with a theory to explain yourself, and if … Read more