The Anti-9/11

The Anti-9/11 BESIDES CAUSING A LOT OF suffering and changing the course of history, one thing the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and Hurricane Katrina have in common is that both events were preceded by unusual Sun-Moon aspects exactly on the summer solstice. Just four hours into the summer of 2001, there was a total solar … Read more

Katrina, the Awakener

Katrina, the Awakener ONE IMAGE keeps haunting me from this week’s journalism, spun by William Rivers Pitt at — that of presidential advisor Karl Rove standing on the roof of the White House in a magician’s hat and cape, with a big staff, conjuring Hurricane Katrina. Given the witch-hunt against climate change scientists reported … Read more

How Could It Possibly Work?

How Could It Possibly Work? I’VE BEEN HEARING this question a lot lately: “Do you really believe in astrology?” I spend a lot of time writing horoscope columns in cafes, and a laptop screen is easy to see. When I’m working, there’s a big horoscope chart displayed on one side, and the list of signs … Read more

The Gathering

The Gathering IF THE MOON IS AT HOME in Cancer, and we count eight signs from there, we wind up in Aquarius. Speaking in lunar terms, the house of power, secrets, surrender and transformation (the 8th) falls in the sign most open to groups, individuality, consensus, and the notion of equality (Aquarius). The 8th house … Read more

Have a Weird Weekend

Have a Weird Weekend! YOU KNOW THAT OLD SONG about the Moon being in the 7th house and Jupiter aligning with Mars? Well, we pretty much get the opposite of that this weekend — or at least that’s what the planets are doing on their face. Mercury is about to retrograde into a square aspect … Read more