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Dear Friend and Reader:
AUGUSTUS, THE FIRST EMPEROR OF ROME, was so enamored of his Capricorn Moon that he distributed a coin with a sea-goat and his name on the back. I have read that he regretted this decision and attempted to have all the coins removed from circulation, which evidently did not work — we have them today.This stands as testament to his perception of the power that this Moon granted him, as well as why you don’t want to reveal your birth data too casually. You cannot get it back. If you are interested, here’s a study of his astrology, a gift of the late, great Lois Rodden.

There is something imperial about this Moon. Its natives include (I Love) Lucille Ball, Talking Heads front man David Byrne, Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks, and my mother.
When a Cap Moon is in the room, you know who they think is boss. Whether they actually are or not is irrelevant; you must work with their perception of themselves, which tends to bend all of known reality around it. Whatever it may be, there is a certain je ne sais quoi about this Moon that makes those who have it extremely compelling.
Loyalty and Firm Ethics
They usually have a firm code of ethics for others that they may not subscribe to themselves. Yet they tend to be perceived as impeccable, so those around them let it go, or fail to notice the double standard.
They can command loyalty from others that is difficult to explain, and that they may not perceive.
And they tend to want or even expect the very best, highly specific forms of sex that this plane of reality has to offer, complete with a potent infusion of worshipful devotion. In tantra, Capricorn Moon is exemplary of the Dark Girl archetype.
You can see her portrayed in the Princess of Disks in the Crowley/Harris Thoth Tarot. She is the woman of “bewildering inconsistency,” shown gazing into the heart of some glowing mystery. Here is a fun list of Capmoon natives so that you may do your own assessment of what they have in common.
In the Event of Nuclear War
Michael Lutin once said to me that in the event of nuclear war, he would head straight to the house of someone with their Moon in Capricorn.
A place I frequently hang out is presided over by one of those Capmoon women, and though you would never know it from the outside, the place is pretty much ready for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to come galloping out of the forest. She would probably get them to weed the garden and split a few cords of wood before moving on.
Capricorn Moons tend to be lonely souls who face profound challenges without the help they need. They are used to toughing it out. But to actually receive assistance requires vulnerability that they do not like. This is a fact which others tend to miss, caught in their mystique — often leaving them all the more forlorn and feeling misunderstood. I covered this in a previous article.
Speaking of nuclear war, that is now the latest product of the New York City government — as demonstrated by the advertisement below. As I have been saying to you for weeks and weeks, something is up. You got this!
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Today’s Capricorn Full Moon
The Moon reaches exact opposition to the Sun on Wednesday at 2:37:31 pm EDT. It reaches across the sky at 22 degrees of the cardinal signs, making aspects to many planets. These include Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, Chiron, Pluto and Eris.

In the current aspect pattern, the Moon is conjunct Pluto and the Sun is conjunct Ceres (Ceres and Pluto are now at opposition).
We are experiencing the first Mercury-Sun-Ceres-Pluto alignment since the fateful Ceres-Saturn-Pluto conjunction of Jan. 12, 2020 — the one that initiated the global lockdown/mandate crisis. [Read a full assessment of that astrology.]
The Full Moon axis makes a right angle to Eris in Aries. The Pluto-Eris square — a defining aspect of the lockdown/mandate era — is still within two degrees of exact (the first exact contact was Jan. 26, 2020, also covered in this article). So we are getting a replay, in a slightly rearranged form, of the astrology that has defined a tumultuous era of our lives.
An Evolutionary Approach to Digital Conditions
This extended Pluto-Eris contact seems designed to enforce a spiritual and evolutionary approach to the damage to humanity being done by the take over of the robotic environment we incorrectly call “the internet.” This damage is extremely difficult for most people to discern, as it involves the transformation of their thought patterns into algorithms, and the seemingly irresistible pull into the digital void.
Said another way, the issue of Eris in Aries is how people are being transformed by full digital conditions. This includes being transformed into the equivalent of discarnated spirits roaming aimlessly around the Bardo. The problem is that these spirits are still more or less attached to their physical bodies. In the absence of self-knowledge and self-awareness, people are more likely to seek their identity through violence and aggression.
This will become more of a factor as Mars in Gemini moves into an unusually long square to Neptune in Pisces (exact through the last few months of 2022, and again in March 2023). This is likely to have people feeling like they are lost, confused or disembodied.
We are now living through the era of full-on artificial intelligence, virtual and enhanced ‘reality’, and humans aspiring to be robots, because robots are allegedly better than we are. In a word, the crisis of Eris in Aries is that of transhumanism (which I discuss in detail in this recent interview). Below is some news from the world of transhumanism — the merging of people and computing devices — sent by a reader a moment ago. I have seen a lot of this the past three years, and have seen nothing indicating it is not true and plenty suggesting that it is.
The Breaking of Deadlocks and Impasses
When we put this into the format of a Full Moon event, though, we get a benefit: the Moon opposing the Sun has a way of breaking deadlocks. These may be associated with the astounding drama that was initiated and provoked 30 months ago, any of its after-effects, or a more proximate matter seemingly unrelated to any public issue.
People do seem open to other possibilities. I live across the street from the county courthouse and District Attorney’s office, so between that and being a journalist, I know a lot of public officials. Today, a state judge who was previously heavily invested in the hygiene drama asked me what I was working on. I told him.
He spontaneously said to me (only half-jokingly) that this could all turn out to have been a panic over the common cold. And a little later in the morning, I approached a group of city workers pumping out a septic system without masks or any protective gear, and asked if they were worried about the ‘rona. One of them said to me patronizingly: “It’s the flu, bro.”
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When we connect this to Albion, the Thresholder, we get the image of guidance or companionship on the journey to self-reconciliation. Mars in Taurus will provide vital teaching and opportunity to stay incarnated, or to find your way back, through making contact with sexual feelings and experiences.
Aspects Involving Venus and Mars
Let’s wrap up with a look at Venus and Mars in this chart — the planets we tend to want and relate to the most. I wrote about Mars in Taurus last week. Mars has recently been conjunct the Chiron discovery degree. I’ve included an inventory of all that is currently in Taurus. The next major contact for Mars is to Albion/1992QB1, on the occasion of its 30th birthday.
Here is where the carnal desire of Mars meets the Thresholder. Last week I wrote all about Mars in Taurus and didn’t catch the most obvious version of what that form of desire is about: for oneself.

When we connect this to Albion, the Thresholder, we get the image of guidance or companionship on the journey to self-reconciliation. Mars in Taurus will provide vital teaching and opportunity to stay incarnated, or to find your way back, through making contact with sexual feelings and experiences.
Borrowing what should be a self-evident idea eloquently stated by Matias De Stefano: the ability to handle sexual energy is to engage with the process through which spirit manifests into matter. That is what sex is, along with an exploration of the “god-like” creative potential that all people have.
It’s nearly impossible to evolve spiritually while fighting, resisting or dismissing one’s sexual reality. If it feels “spiritual” to do so, that is what Wilhelm Reich called the “mystic longing” that is the product of suppressed orgasm. This is then “answered” by a charismatic leader — in other words, a tyrant. I will take up the Mars-Albion conjunction on Friday’s Planet Waves FM.
In the Full Moon chart, Mars is in a trine to Pholus. Let the pressure off gently. And if mood-altering substances are invited into any sexual setting, remember that Pholus is the planet with the small cause and the big effect. A little may be a lot.
As for Venus: she is in Gemini, making several aspects at once: a trine to Saturn, a square to Neptune, and a sextile to Eris. You might say that Venus has her options open, which is why we love her. But in Gemini, in the midst of so many possibilities, she might not know what she wants, or be of two minds about it.
Perhaps the Full Moon will help resolve the impasse.
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Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for July 14, 2022

Will you succeed? That’s uncertain, as are nearly all matters involving the future. But you control the most important variables.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Now is the moment in your life when you determine what you want, and make the decisions you need to make in order to acquire, do or create whatever that is. Will you succeed? That’s uncertain, as are nearly all matters involving the future. But you control the most important variables, which are your abilities to observe yourself, connect with your desire, make choices and take action. That may seem like a lot to ask in a world where most days it seems like nobody knows anything. But you can know about yourself. You can certainly know what you want — if you allow yourself to. The problem of our world isn’t lack of awareness so much as it is the lack of commitment to truth — which is a condition very much under your power to control right now. The answer to every question comes back to whether you’re being real with yourself.
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From there, you can aspire to better things, as long as you keep a sense of proportion, and understand the many variables involved.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Be careful with decisions about money over the next few days, and make sure your expectations are a little lower than what you think is possible. From there, you can aspire to better things, as long as you keep a sense of proportion, and understand the many variables involved. There are going to be certain areas that you probe and find uncertainty, mush and confusion; there will be others where you have a clean line of sight and know exactly what to do. You might assume that the confusion is a challenge you need to meet, and that the seemingly direct, easy approach is a trap. If so, you probably have it backwards. The uncertainty is actually the thing to wait out or avoid; the thing that looks obvious probably is. However, you will need to propel yourself, and not make any assumptions where the facts and figures are concerned.
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Rather, I suggest you work from a place of necessity, and first determine what is the most practical thing you can do, based on what you know.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be strategic. Work from a game plan. Such are never assured to work out exactly, but at least they provide you with an opportunity to evaluate your situation, study the landscape and lay out a few variables. One of them is what you want; your basic preference. But that is not the most reliable, because it’s likely to change. Rather, I suggest you work from a place of necessity, and first determine what is the most practical thing you can do, based on what you know. Let preference enter the equation as the last variable. The time you allow yourself to work that part out will be well-invested; if you hold the floor open to the possibilities, desire will make a lot more sense. One necessity you may have is to preserve your ability to take care of others. This is an essential facet of your character.
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Keep your mind and your senses open to your environment. The puzzle you may be working out involves aligning what you offer with the needs that people around you are expressing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Wednesday’s Full Moon in your opposite sign Capricorn represented a turning point for you. Something that has seemed wedged in or otherwise intractable has given way, and you can see the ways that your options are open — especially a few that you may have missed recently. Keep your mind and your senses open to your environment. The puzzle you may be working out involves aligning what you offer with the needs that people around you are expressing. They tend to do this with their actions more than with their words. Therefore, study the things you tend to do, and the things that others tend to do — right now, in real time, rather than in theory. Also, at this stage, it’s essential that you be working with the right collaborators on each specific task, project or endeavor. Part of your role in life is managing the actions and workflow of others. Be at your very best.
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There is one topic that stands out boldly in your chart, which is the relationship between your spiritual path and the food that you eat.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You move in mysterious ways, especially this time of year. The weeks before your birthday can have you wondering just what it is that motivates or inspires you, and why it seems to change so much. This can come as a relief from your usual intensity of mental activity and tendency to constantly aspire. There is one topic that stands out boldly in your chart, which is the relationship between your spiritual path and the food that you eat. Consider that they may be one and the same thing. If you focus this topic, it will lead to becoming more aware of a diversity of factors in your environment that influence and even impact your life. You are unusually sensitive right now, and you can trust what your body and emotions are telling you. Most people suppress these messages, and that’s ridiculous. You are your own most reliable source of information.
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You usually have an affinity for one-on-one encounters, though the signals in those situations may be clouded or jammed up lately.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your best romantic and business prospects can be found in social situations, meaning where people are gathered in groups. You usually have an affinity for one-on-one encounters, though the signals in those situations may be clouded or jammed up lately. At least in your world, people will be more relaxed and affable where they are gathered for small affairs. It’s challenging to navigate any situation involving human contact in our strange era of human history, though you have a way of bringing out the person in people when you are part of a gathering. From there, you may refine the discussion or the purpose of the encounter. If you want to have a conversation with an intimate partner, the best place to do it may be around others rather than in a private space. Remember that your most viable point of contact with people is spiritual. That alone leads to everything else.
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I’m not suggesting that you split hairs, but rather get the idea of what’s being offered to you, without reinterpreting it.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Words are your best friend right now. This includes how they are said, and in what context. However, focus the meaning of what you say, and what others say to you. Take the time to parse out whatever is said to you; remember exactly what that is. A deeper factor is involved, which is the reasoning process that got you to your present location — and the reasoning process that will get you to the next place. Yes, many people love making up what they think people mean, which is the source of nearly all misunderstandings. Yet to seek the true intention of any communication invokes a deeper quality of being, based on the desire to relate honestly. I’m not suggesting that you split hairs, but rather get the idea of what’s being offered to you, without reinterpreting it. If something is in writing and you don’t know a word, look it up in the dictionary. Feel the power.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
One place the past few years of madness have damaged many people is in their ability to have a sense of what is possible, and to embrace that there is in fact a future.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The cup is more than half-full with so many planets currently in water signs, especially in the angle of your chart associated with optimism and gaining perspective on your life. One place the past few years of madness have damaged many people is in their ability to have a sense of what is possible, and to embrace that there is in fact a future. This is not about planning but rather connecting with the idea that you have a full tank of gas and can go anywhere you want. Take the opportunity to experiment with the possibilities, such as with paper and a pencil in a quiet spot. Make a wish list, including a list of destinations you want to travel to. Think of the places you might want to live, and consider these things to be actual potentials rather than idle wishes. The energy of manifestation is hot and alive right now.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
You may not consider yourself an artist, though you will get a feeling for the beauty of the creative process by doing anything whatsoever that is not subject to verification.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The beautiful thing about art is that it does not require you to be correct. You need freedom from the pressures of life, which are demanding that you get it right all the time. You may not consider yourself an artist, though you will get a feeling for the beauty of the creative process by doing anything whatsoever that is not subject to verification. This could be skipping stones, toasting marshmallows, or something more complex — as long as it’s not telling you who you are, or comparing you to anyone or anything else. Set aside your competitive edge and allow yourself to move freely, and to ask questions that do not have answers. You, like the rest of us, are under tremendous pressure to become an algorithm. That is an evil spell that can be cast off by sketching in a notebook, or playing with wind chimes.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
This will pick up momentum over the next five or six days, which will be fed by your desire to be a little more adventurous.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Wednesday’s Full Moon in your birth sign is still vibrating across the landscape of your consciousness. The chart looks like you went deep and then pulled yourself out the other side, ready for some deeper contact with your fellow humans. This will pick up momentum over the next five or six days, which will be fed by your desire to be a little more adventurous. Between Mars in Taurus and the Sun opposite Pluto, there will be opportunities to connect with someone physically and emotionally, and you will benefit from doing so. This is not about making yourself complete as much as it is about the simple desire to connect. You are good at going it alone, and presenting yourself to the world as if you have no emotional needs, though we both know that’s not true. And you have plenty to offer — sharing is something that dependably feels good.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
Set some difficult goals for things that you want to accomplish, and get ready to do them by some time around next March.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have grown accustomed to Saturn being in your sign since early 2020. This may have arrived with increased responsibilities, or a sense of urgency that is affecting you personally (as apart from what others are going through). Others find it to be a depressive influence. Regardless, this transit presents an opportunity that you only get a few times in life, and you have it now. Set some difficult goals for things that you want to accomplish, and get ready to do them by some time around next March. Saturn in Aquarius is your personal superpower that will facilitate doing things you might otherwise regard as impossible, but which you can, at least, admit are necessary. Don’t make it a long list; rather, collect a few important, challenging objectives and sit with them for a few days. Then, start taking steady moves that will get you across the distance.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
This is not about doing, or not necessarily; it’s about facilitating, allowing, and in a sense, standing guard.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Several unusual planetary assets are in your sign right now, and one of them is Vesta. She is a reminder of the importance of holding space open for something to happen. This is not about doing, or not necessarily; it’s about facilitating, allowing, and in a sense, standing guard. In a sense, you do this wherever you are, and whatever else you may be involved with — though it will help if you bring it to a conscious level. Vesta has another expression, which is to tend the fire. This is the gradual process of observing and taking small actions to gradually build, to make corrections, and to ensure that there is continued life to what you’re doing. Vesta bestows patience and dedication in the same gesture. Other elements of your chart have you feeling hot to make certain moves or to get things done, and you may do just that. But remember slow, steady and dedicated Vesta meanwhile.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn
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