Thursday Night Planet Waves Edition is Ready, Focused on Holistic Health and the Environment + Bonus Horoscope
Dear Friend and Reader:
I am sending this letter to our subscribers, customers and readers.
We continue to provide our publications to all readers during the pandemic situation.
Here is tonight's edition, which will open in newsletter format, that is, a separate website off of the Planet Waves content system. It's a slightly different look and feel from the website, with everything in one place.
Me a few minutes ago, after finishing tonight's newsletter.
I've included a special April-May edition of my horoscope. We can do this because we are supported by our reader base, and my astrology clients. Thank you all.
In the lead article, tonight I share some of my reflections and observations made as I've read hundreds of articles about coronavirus and COVID-19 syndrome. As you may know, I've been working with the Planet Waves team, often late into the night, editing
Covid19 News. There, you can find an informed, panoramic view of the global situation.
[Note added Friday: this has been an unbelievable day for revelations on this issue.
Just today's posts are worth the price of admission; the best things in life are free.]
In tonight's letter, I am thinking about prevention, and the relationship of what we've been experiencing to pre-existing conditions in the environment.
All the attention is on Corona Bro, this seemingly free-floating scrap of RNA that has forced us all into our homes. Yet what we need to be paying attention to is our bodies and our surroundings. That is where the real information is available: the background. This is very much an issue of figure and ground, and I believe the figure is a distraction.
Next Week is the 25th Anniversary of My Horoscope Column
Monday's edition of the horoscope falls on the 25th anniversary of my column. I began on April 13, 1995, on the heels of my investigative reporting career. That date is the true beginning of what is now Planet Waves. The Sun is in Aries. The Moon is in Libra. Scorpio is rising. There is a Mercury-Sun-Eris conjunction. It's quite a chart.
The long version of the story is here.
My column, then called The Navigator, first ran in an entertainment newsletter
Free Time. Inspired by the Patric Walker horoscope, on my 30th birthday in 1994 (also my Saturn return), I purchased the bright blue Rosicrucian Ephemeris shown on the lefthand side of the photo.
Part of my ephemeris collection -- the basic book of astrology. The bright blue one, second from left, is my original, first ephemeris, purchased on my birthday in 1994. The fourth big book from the left, kind of dirty gray blue, is that of one of my early teachers, David Roell of the Astrology Center of America.
Every night, after I was done writing about toxins, I studied Patric's column in
The New York Post. That winter, I read a lot of books and was given careful astrology instruction by a man named David Roell. In the spring, I started writing my column. (The blue-gray book, fourth in from the left, is David's personal ephemeris.)
The result was the Planet Waves project. And what is that?
Well, for example: it's an astrology-focused website that has an investigative reporting team capable of doing the kind of work we're doing on the
Covid19 News blog. This is not an accident.
Many of our researchers and editors are qualified astrologers. But since founding the Planet Waves project 22 years ago, I've made sure that every new writer or editor goes through basic training in newsroom protocol and investigative reporting. So the moment there is an issue demanding immediate research, we are on it. And we will stay on it. This includes environmental news, political events, the whole gun thing -- if it makes big news, we dig out the facts, and then we do the charts.
It's a truly unusual publication that can offer some of the very best astrology on the internet, and also run a full-time investigative operation, providing ongoing, detailed and reliable coverage: again, the best news compilation about this sprawling issue that I've seen so far.
Among other assets, our team has more than a century of experience between us covering the FDA, EPA, CDC and corporations including GE and Monsanto. With the most comprehensive astrology library that I know of — there are not so many left.
We Are Reader Supported
Planet Waves does everything we do with 100% reader support: no mysterious funding in the background, no corporate sponsors, no drug ads, no Google ads, and no monetizing of our YouTube videos. Our relationship is direct to you. You can email me. I may be the world's only “famous person” who picks up the phone, responds to every email (unless I miss it), and handles my own social media. My goal is to be available.
More importantly, we maintain extremely high editorial standards, we proofread, we factcheck, and we will wrangle over what is true and what is not. This is impressive. Some would say it's impossible. In case you're curious,
here is our business plan.
I recognize that there are something like 20 million newly unemployed. We will continue making our services available to you who need us.
For everyone who is doing pretty well financially: please do what you can. We have a modest subscriber base; we do a lot with a little. You may join our
Core Community of subscribers. You may become a
sustainer of Planet Waves FM, via our nonprofit Chiron Return. If you are a philanthropist and you trust my teaching and the mission I am describing, and want to become a major donor to Chiron Return, please call me at the number below.
Additionally, I offer
affordable, excellent prepared readings and consulting.
Thank you for your trust, for reading, for contributing, and for sharing your thoughts and ideas.
Together, we are Planet Waves.
With love,

(845) 481-5616
PS --
Please check out our new astrology feature, called Daily Planets. It's an overview of the day's astrology, as well as the short birthday reading by day.
Chart for my first horoscope, which should really be titled The Navigator. Chart is shown is alongside a crop-circle representation of the Monsanto natal chart. You can read all about Monsanto astrology here. The more I look at it, the more interesting this chart is (the first horoscope one). Like any workable chart, it tells the same story 20 different ways. If anyone is curious, I'll go over it on Planet Waves FM -- but only if someone is really curious!
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