Aries (March 20-April 19) — On Tuesday, there is a New Moon in your birth sign. This event connects to the planetary pattern that’s driving the rather strange world situation. In other words, the Moon and the Sun line up with centaur planets Chiron and Pholus, which are connected to the lunar nodes. That might mean something to you but if not, you are plugged into the zeitgeist — exactly and precisely, and you’re placed at the turning point. That astrology describes the nature of the healing crisis we are in. You are part of the solution. Practice this in small ways. Begin with awareness: pay attention to what is happening in all directions. Continue with quietly being a catalyst, which is the chemical agent that facilitates a reaction and then can be fully recovered at the end. Practice the art of correct action. This New Moon is conjunct Chiron, though even more closely conjunct Salacia. That is where desire meets maturity. Stay close to your biological cravings, which are emissaries of the life force. Count that as an energy source, and use it appropriately. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.
The Journey of You and Chiron | A New Reading by Eric Francis
Anyone who has encountered it is curious about Chiron. Planet Waves provides one of the few dependable online sources of information on this unusual planet. For the 10th anniversary Astrology Studio reading, I will be covering Chiron in Aries — a momentous event for all those born under this sign, and of high interest to everyone else. Pre-order this reading here for the best price.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — I had a feeling Uranus in Taurus would shake things up, but I was not expecting what we’re witnessing. While the value of financial markets may be going down, your value is increasing. While much of the world is shaking, you have the ability to be cool and steady. Your astrology and world events are calling forth something deeper from you, something you know is there and coexist with. Though it’s a level you rarely go to, like the boiler room in a ship you’re sailing on. You know it’s there, and you can connect to the power source in the form of thrust and drive, often without getting your hands dirty. I suggest you go down to the lower decks and check out the machinery of your personal dynamo. Turn your awareness within, and descend into yourself. Feel the energy, the heat and the rumble. Tune into the aspect of yourself you never, ever reveal to others, just long enough to make conscious contact. Then go back to doing what you do and being who you are. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One thing we can say about the world is that many people’s search for themselves has intensified in an unexpected and deeply poignant way. You are probably witnessing the full spectrum of what is possible regarding this search for self. You may also be noticing how any point along that gradient represents some potential for you to express who you are. The key idea here is that there is a wide diversity of possibilities, and you have the ability to set your vibration to any of them. So what you’re seeing and feeling is essentially an energetic buffet. It may at times feel like a freak show, or a tour of a military hospital, or an encounter with the pantheon of saints, in no special order. Use your skill of language to tell it like it is, to yourself (don’t worry about telling anyone else, unless it’s an intimate party you absolutely trust). Know that this is not about all of them, it’s about you. The spiritual key for you will be identifying the vibration level you want, and then stabilizing yourself there. Note, this should not be a struggle; follow an emotional path of least resistance. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is a moment for you, a moment when you can discover and enter your destiny. I know that is a potentially charged word, though I mean it in the sense of encountering and choosing what feels so natural as to be a calling you answer. To do this, you will need to shed a few skins. There is a kind of reticence, conditioned by various clobberings and threats and so forth to avoid existing on your true path. It feels dangerous, it feels like being naked, and then if you go there even a little, you may feel the guilt at betraying someone else. That’s worth a weekend workshop, though the essence is that to be yourself, you must betray your not-self in all the forms that it takes, and move onward and upward and do the thing you’re called upon to do. To respond to your environment in the way you’re being called upon to respond, which is an entirely enlightened way, and cool and level-headed and pausing with some amazement of the strange, fascinating quality at the moment. Align yourself, listen, and proceed. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You now have a glimpse of how much energy was building, that sense of a storm about to crack. This is a duty-calls moment for you. Whatever you’re doing, you’re a first responder. This might involve your family, your workplace, or an actual role on the front lines. Whatever you’re called to do is equally important. You don’t need to feel like you should be doing something else. Be impeccable in whatever your assignment is. Expressing this from the other side of the spectrum, if you’re doing fantastic right now, this phase of your life is not a break or a retreat. By all means catch your breath and stay in alignment with yourself. You have a job to do and you must do it well. If you’re in a more difficult position and your assigned role is survival, trust that you have a gift for pulling through. And if you’re in that situation, bring along as many people as you can, though one by one. You have resources and you have abilities. You have energy. Use it wisely, decision by decision. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may feel the temptation to meet people wherever they are. I suggest you take the approach of meeting them where you are, because that is something you can know and monitor. Where others are at, you cannot be sure. If you think you’re sure, that’s a liability. So therefore, it would be better to leave your assessment of the spiritual location and condition of others as a variable: as a known unknown. However, there’s a potential issue: you may see what you want to see rather than what is. And if that’s happening, you’re unlikely to notice. So I suggest you put in a few extra layers of perception filtration. And, instead of focusing on others, which is a problem in itself, use your basic self-awareness techniques. Focus your attention on your emotional state, your bodily needs, and physical feedback. Then branch out to what your mind is telling you. Draw yourself into your core, and then gradually extend out from there. This will do a lot more than insulate you from propaganda. You will have plenty of information to navigate by. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be looking into the reflection of all you need to heal, all you struggle to understand, and all that you want to be in your ideal stage. And it may seem impossible, or so overly complicated as to be inaccessible. Still, maintain your awareness of what you are reaching for, as best you can. You at least have a direct view of what is so. Look right at it, though also make sure you look in other directions as well. Turn your head left and right. Look up and down. Look around the edges of what you perceive. Then return your awareness to what is right there before you. Rather than decide what you’re looking at, perhaps use a technique I learned from someone named Gurani Anjali: ask yourself quietly, “What is it?” This may be a helpful life lesson now, as we certainly have more questions than answers, though where questions are concerned, the simpler the better. Then pause, and listen patiently for a response. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Now that Saturn has moved into Aquarius and entered your solar 4th house, you may be feeling more grounded in your situation. For you, grounded is a positive development, as you tend to fly around a bit, and make things more complicated than they are. Yet suddenly you have a sense of how to state your situation in a way you understand. When you do, you might decide you’re better off than you imagined before. It’s true you’re facing a healing challenge. This is signified by Tuesday’s Chiron New Moon in your house of work and wellbeing. Where Chiron is present, there’s a need to proceed slowly and even meticulously. There are other influences that are pushing you to accelerate your thought process and your speech, and you may feel like you’re in a struggle between speeding up and slowing down. Really, it’s between choosing and not choosing. And at the very bottom, this is about who influences you, or who in truth you admit does not have the power to do so. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Now may not seem like the time to think about art or creativity, though I could imagine no better. Everything you do now must bear the mark of experimental art — everything, no matter how practical. You have stunning power of imagination at the moment, and you’re in the perfect place to connect it to your direct experience. Your chart describes you as a master of improvisation. This is about thinking standing up, while walking or juggling. If you have a need, it will be your creative mind that helps you fulfill it. If you have a desire, your ability to synthesize will help you make it real. You need to be bold, and that should be pretty easy at this moment. Two other pointers from your solar chart: put several approaches before spending money; if you need it, you’re likely to already have it. And it will help if you take an idea and think it through a few times, refine and improve it. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn has left your sign, beginning a kind of test run in Aquarius. Of all the people this will register with in a tangible way, you’re at the front of the queue. Though Saturn in one’s sign has a lot to offer, its exit after several years can feel like having a weight lifted off of one’s body or emotions. Yet all of the benefits it has to offer are equally or more accessible to you. You need the stability this transit is offering you, particularly through the Aries New Moon that takes place early this week. No matter what else may be going on in your life, you’re still subject to the same inner cravings, quests and struggles, and currently you’re in one related to claiming your identity. Or rather claiming it back from whomever took it from you. Often when this kind of revolution happens, it’s through a struggle of some kind. What you can do to your own benefit is to turn anything you may be confronting into a quest for expressing your true being. You are you — not who others tried to convince you that you were. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn entered your sign overnight Saturday to Sunday, which seems custom-designed to have a sobering, focusing effect on you. It’s akin to placing a lens in front of your ability to see, feel and experience yourself. Saturn distills the high-voltage, sometimes erratic quality of Aquarius into a slowly vibrating flow of information. You will appreciate this transit, which stretches into 2023 (and of which the current ingress is just a test run that lasts until July 1). Here are few clues. You can afford to be less certain — about anything and everything. It will do you good. You can afford to be more flexible. You are being invited to engage yourself in a maturing process that mainly will feel like burning off mental baby fat. Aquarius prides itself on its ability to reason, though this does not always happen. Saturn in Aquarius is the very picture of discernment, balance and easygoing sincerity. Let yourself be reminded of all you do not know, and proceed from there. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Over the weekend, Saturn made its first move into Aquarius. It will be there through July 1, and then return to stay in December. This may come as a relief to you, as it helps you find a private space within your own mind. Everyone is being made to take a step out of the social and public realms, and into the interior. You need time alone. So does everyone else, though it’s especially important that you focus your thoughts and feelings inward and work through a series of necessary adjustments associated with this transit. What you’re really doing is taking back space that is yours, which has been left abandoned for a while. Part of this will happen in the silence of meditation, some will happen in your sleep, and some with tools such as your sketchbook or your journal. You will recognize this space immediately when you arrive there. It will be as familiar as a summer cottage you have not been in for a few years. Tidy up, open the windows and put some soup on the stove. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.