All of Us Here — Aries


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All of Us Here for Aries | Your 2021 Reading by Eric Francis | Download

Review: Respect for Aries | Your 2020 Reading by Eric Francis

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Here is a proposal: your spiritual path is to allow nobody to define who you are or what you believe. Most would agree that is a worthy goal. What’s difficult is knowing when it’s happening, and then being able to stand up to the pressure to conform. These are equally challenging. You may only know the situation if you make a choice to do what you want, or to have your own understanding, and assert yourself a little. Then, the resistance you encounter will give you a clue what pressure you were under. So this is what you might think of as a real-time experiment in self-actualization. Chiron is now at full-strength in your birth sign, and will drive you to grow, to become, to explore your consciousness, and to stand out in any way that you need to. This is the nature of the healing crisis (really, the critical mass point) based on Chiron in Aries. It’s possible to experience this transit as being singled out, as not fitting in, or not fitting into your own skin or consciousness. This is the challenge. It’s not really coming from outside of yourself, though the world is very much your playground when it comes to not just figuring out who you are, but fully embodying your personal reality. One thing I suggest is you take it slowly. Do not rush the process, or think you know the outcome. Chiron rewards slow, meticulous effort. Chiron works well in the presence of documentation, which serves as a guardrail against denial. And there is one other thing, that is most often forgotten: the presence of a teacher, and also of serving as a mentor to at least one person who seeks you out.


1 thought on “All of Us Here — Aries”

  1. I came to your site during the latter part of last year’s Covid ’emergency’ (2020). I have been working on a set of novellas about the spirit of healing that is buried in the traditions of the world of BDSM. I have a particular emphasis on the M-M aspects of that path which came about from the change of life that a selected group of men who came back from the (pluto) wars of the 20th century, underwent in their civilian lives. I was scrounging for material on Eris as I suspect that she is one of the ‘goddess’ influences behind BDSM. Janice Fiamengo posted something of yours on Twitter, which led me to your pages on Eris and Chiron, which confirmed some long held ideas that I had conjured up about both of those influences.

    I had laid out most of this material 2016-2018, found an editor willing to touch the subject (mystical, chironic M-M BDSM? Are you Crazy?) and then I got really sick. I should mention that I’m a 12 house Aries Sun and have an Aries rising as well, with Mars conjunct Chiron in Pisces (!!). So it has been a terrible but amazing time, 2019-now. I have a traditional method astrologer, but she lost the plot on this process (and me), which was very upsetting for me as I have been a client of hers for like 30 years. BUT THEN, I came across your work and I am a person who is utterly renewed. I finally believe that I have found an astrologer who truly understands the 12th house life and who truly has a grip on the wonderous difficulties of living the karmic life of a Chiron aspected Aries. So thank you, Eric, for your work on these most difficult issues, it has been just amazing to listen to your profoundly encouraging astro-raves! I cannot recommend you enough, more power to your work, it is so necessary in this day and age.

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