Planet Waves Weekly for Oct. 3, 2024 by Eric Francis

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Aries (March 20-April 19) — When it comes to matters of sexuality and erotic attachment, a great many people give themselves permission to be wild hypocrites. The rules can include things like, “I can do that but you cannot,” or “how dare you feel that?” (about a third party). This is all justified emotionally — not logically — and not on any tangible basis of fairness or honesty. While this works pretty well on Earth, the land of contradiction, it does not serve you spiritually — and a tremendous amount of karma can be churned up. And sooner or later, the bill comes due. I would encourage you to be righteous in your associations with those with whom you undress. There are no separate standards of fairness for love or for war. How you or anyone feels is not the truth; it’s merely how you feel, and there is a lot more than that to consider.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The recent solar eclipse has cast doubt on what you thought were settled beliefs. Yet I would propose something else: the beliefs were not your own, but rather reach into the past, perhaps for several generations of your ancestors. You merely inherited them, and thought they were your own. They were, after all, there when you arrived on the planet. Those values, ideas, and supposed ethics were the dance that everyone around you was doing from the moment you arrived, and so you presumed them to be your own. Yes, they are familiar. Yes, they may seem to be logical. But really they are just what were there and have gone unquestioned. Now, it’s time to ask whether you really accept the things you were told were true. That will take some time, though as you figure this out, making decisions and putting them into action will consolidate your learning process.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — This is your moment to get out of commitments that you don’t want to be in. But it’s not the walk away kind of get out, but rather the negotiated arrangement kind. Important matters must be handled delicately, and with the intention of resolving them rather than complicating or avoiding them. This could be straightforward: others are eager to work with you and get on with their lives and allow you to get on with yours. It will be more complicated if there are attachments involved, and these must be handled correctly. It’s important that you connect with your own motives for any action you take, and understand the ways you want to be of service, of your own free will. It’s also crucial to understand what is right in some objective sense of that notion. Rationalizing is a sign that you’re avoiding some deeper truth. And that truth will be easier to accommodate than anything else.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The recent New Moon in Libra is encouraging you to rebuild your life on your own terms. Who else’s terms might you be living under? There are many possibilities, though most involve the complex thing that is your family: all those dramas with their multigenerational cast of characters. What you’re experiencing and have been for a while may not obviously be connected to family patterns, though it won’t take much to see the connections. What is vital is that you see the problems of those individuals as their own — not as yours. The time has come to release them to their own karma. As part of that, you must build the life you want, starting from the ground of your relationships. More than anything, relatives and ancestors teach us how to relate to others, and you seem to have been given some bad information. Now is the time to correct these matters yourself.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You cannot look to others for accurate information about yourself. That must come from you, and learning about yourself requires a special kind of inward focus. At the same time, studying your interactions with others will also provide crucial information. This is a spiritual quest, and it’s not involved with right and wrong as much as it is with discovering what is so. That can take time, because each observation you make about yourself needs to be tested before you can accept it as true or valid. And this is all in the context of you being a work in progress. So make up your mind to be open minded. Admit that there are many things you don’t know about yourself, and be aware that some of the very best were concealed from you. You are entering a time of extremely rapid self-discovery, so be as gentle with yourself as you are self-observant.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Imagine if you had the ability to give yourself a depth of emotional and sexual experience without the need for involvement with another person. There would be nothing to distract you from yourself; there would be no tease possible from another person who could hold your completion over you. You would have what you often seek dearly, which is a sense of control over your destiny. If anything were missing, it would be the witness: acknowledgement from the conscious universe that you are, in truth, complete unto yourself. There is a paradox here, which compels the acknowledgment that sanity involves existing in a resonant universe. Yet a witness is different from someone who can deny you an experience rather than acknowledgment of it. More than anything, humans need to be noticed, seen and felt. Yet this is much more beautiful when the wielding of power is not involved. Where there is power over another there can be no love.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Listen and you will get the message. Listen to what you say and you’ll learn how you’re responding. Following your inner dialog is crucial right now; it has all the information you need, and will guide you through any complexity. And what seems complicated is really a simple matter. Therefore, do not bend the truth, and notice when others are doing so. Reality always makes more sense than lies. Deception is an obvious agenda. Your own confusion will alert you to any such problem. Just remember that there is no such thing as “a little confusion.” Any at all will obscure your view and your sense of what is real. And it’s possible that others have the specific agenda of doing just that, by feeding you information that has no basis in reality but might sound good for a while. Therefore, pin down the four corners of the truth and always know where you are on the map.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When your mind is open, anything can come through, and it’s up to you to sort it out. There are those who try to shut their mind in order to avoid the wild diversity of possible ideas, memories, and imaginings that can come through. Some close their mind to ensure they don’t discover anything new about themselves. Yet the result of that is chaos; that which is held down and kept in the dark will tend to rage until it bursts into the open somehow — usually after causing quite a bit of emotional damage. There is a portal in your mind that is wide open right now. And very nearly anything could come through — in your waking life, and especially in your dream life. You can be afraid of your own thoughts, and the contents of what is mistakenly called the ‘subconscious’. Or you can be open to who you are.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be cautious of anything you do to gain social standing, as it could backfire. I know how important seeming to be held in high esteem by others is to most people. While there’s no such thing as ‘social’ left in the previous sense (except for playing with a dog), the darker elements of human psychology are currently all coming out to play. You may be observing that there are certain scenes you don’t want to associate with. The ultimate measure is how your group involvements influence your one-on-one relationships. Groups of what seem to be perfectly reasonable people can turn into total assholes on no notice. Be impeccable about what you post online, and perhaps set a policy of zero alcohol consumption anywhere but your own living room. There’s some aggression and deception in the air, and you’re unlikely to see it coming if you think you’re among friends.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your ability to take action is hanging on an emotional issue that may go back generations. I say “issue” but I mean hangup, negative attachment, or fear of abandonment. I mean whatever it was that held your mother back from the success she wanted or envied, whether personal, professional or both. There is a guilt trip involved, as if you owe her something, or have no right to do better than she did. If you have a decision to make, get underneath whatever is making you hesitate. You will need to peel back a few layers to see what that is about. Was there anyone on your mother’s side of the family who had a problem with overdoing food or alcohol? How did you respond to that and what do you think was going on? This is not your problem unless you make it so, or refuse to disavow it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — While yours is the sign of groups, there really are no group relationships. Connections between people are one-to-one, and that is the thing to emphasize. Whatever you may consider your religion to be, your spiritual path involves the experience of personal bonds with one other person. It’s fortunate that you have the ability to sustain many of these. Such ability runs contrary to our culture’s ideas about one partner and one best friend and so forth. As long as you are honest and your interests do not conflict (the same thing, really), you can be a significant other in the lives of many people. If you want to do it better, cultivate your listening skills. Those who genuinely take an interest and are concerned about what others are going through will be valued and trusted. But this is not about you; it’s about your understanding of and empathy for the human condition.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The recent solar eclipse is urging you to confront any remaining issues head-on and not try to sidestep them. Solutions are available; if a situation does not have one, then it may not be a problem. And when it comes to problems, always define them in ways that can be solved. This is not merely a matter of semantics. It’s more like designing a mathematical equation such that there is a solution. You have your options open for just how to do that. And note that the more complicated something may seem, the simpler the solution may be. The potent influence of Libra at this time is saying that you will benefit from seeing how one thing balances another, and at the same time, striving for a degree of simplicity, elegance and correctness. This is the time to tie up the loose ends in your life, and I suspect you’ve been at this for a while.

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