Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — There is a solitary element to any true spiritual journey. It is not a social event; where you go is for your steps alone, and what you learn is the domain of your own soul. It’s often better not to try to explain what you’re experiencing, as that may dissipate the energy, and the responses of others may dissuade you from your mission. And you do have one — a purpose, that is — though it’s also likely that your understanding is about to change. Spiritual is no longer an abstraction, or theoretical, or really about ideas at all. Those were all distractions. Spiritual is about your relationship to fear. It is about whether you choose to love, when you have other options right in front of you. It is about whether you strive to see through how things may appear on their face, to what they are in reality. Spiritual is about your commitment to truth. And it is not about concentrating any power other than your ability to help others. You are being reminded by a diversity of astrological developments this month to go direct to source, rather than to accept interpretations, or assertions of what is supposed to be right for you. There are two other elements. One is the need to widen your perspective, and to see everything in context. The other is to seek an understanding of where your sexuality fits into your notion of the divine. Sexual desire is usually made to be left outside the door where any notion of religion, spirituality, or divinity are concerned. Yet this has led only to problems, for individuals, for communities, and for the world. To change course may require special courage, though this all pertains to something everyday and ordinary, and which is equally human and divine.

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Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may feel as if a commitment in a relationship or partnership is interfering with your self-development, and for that matter, with your wider social life as well. I would agree: you seem to be in a tight spot, though you’re also fully invested. Therefore, focus on taking care of what you have given yourself, and allow the other aspects of your life to wrap themselves around this particular involvement. From the look of your solar chart, it’s unclear whether this matter pertains to an intimate personal commitment or a professional and financial commitment. It may be all of the above, and even if a few of the above are involved, you’re in a situation that you can think of as being about your whole being in a state of transformation: your life could be taking a whole new form. This will come with various trials and tribulations that will be worth enduring and, if you can, embracing in the most positive way possible. You are where you are for a reason, and not one determined by fate. You made a series of decisions that got you where you are today. Some of them were based on wanting something, and others seem to have been based on avoiding a sense of discomfort or of being a misfit. Speaking of which: not exactly belonging is the overarching theme of your astrology for the foreseeable future. You would likely have it to some degree no matter what you’re doing. Every individual is unique (and that is one of the few appropriate uses of that word, it’s so true). Yet most people plaster over their true being with image control and assorted public relations tactics in order to seem likable or to avoid rejection. This is simply not an option. And that’s a beautiful thing because the only answer to your situation is sincerity.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — There must be a line between “public” and “private.” You may take some of this for granted, such as assuming that your dresser drawers or safe deposit box are your domain exclusively. Yet it’s not that simple when you consider the way that values said to be “collective” are personally imposed on you. That the contents of your nightstand may be “private” means little when the contents of your phone or computer are being vacuumed into various databases and your movement is being tracked wherever you go. So how do you handle this? Where do you place the line? You can set it all the way to one side — in the words of A Course in Miracles, “There are no private thoughts.” How would you feel if all of your feelings and ideas were known to the world? And if they are already known, is there any need for a border of any kind? You can also experiment with considering your values as you relate to others: what in the feelings or spaces of another person do you consider to be their private territory, and not yours? That may reveal your deeper values on this matter, because you’re likely to expect that others respect the boundaries you support for people you care about. Do you hold others to that same standard? Anyway, where your space ends and that of others begins is the place to study over the next few weeks, as Mercury, Mars and later the Sun dance around your relationship angle Libra. Something seems to be coming to a head, which peaks on October 9 with the revelation of a situation that you will need to confront. But the hints and clues will be fluttering around every day between now and then. Study the little disputes and skirmishes over mental and physical space, and see if you can make an agreement with the people in your life about what belongs to you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — When you look back, you will see that these years of Chiron in your birth sign or ascendant were an unusual and even marvelous time of advancement and growth, of evolution and becoming. Yet do you see this time that way now? Chiron can feel like the shoe that does not fit — until you walk in it for a while, and notice where you are, as contrasted with where you were. Chiron is a utility that will keep calling your attention to all that is not resolved. Some of these topics may have come up before, including in 1997 or so, or in the early 2000s, though in a different form. If there is a sticking point, you might focus there: something that keeps getting your attention, or persists as a problem. That can be your organizing principle. It will tend to be so whether consciously or not; when you apply your will and embark on a healing process, that will have a way of spreading out into other areas of your life that you may have thought were not really part of the situation. Because Chiron represents the holistic principle, it is wise to treat the background conditions as well as that which you think is the situation or cause. If you think the matter is physical, consider the emotional and mental. If you think the problem is emotional or mental, get your body into the action. And as may be the situation for the next month or two, if you think the focal point is a relationship, that is an indicator to place your attention on yourself and your needs, rather than on a partner or partnership. It’s not that you’re ignoring the encounter with another person; rather, you can use it as a reflection of your deeper circumstances and therefore, as a means of learning about yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you’re feeling called to obsess over the details of work-related projects, or your life generally, that’s probably a good idea. There is a difference between irrelevant minor points, and the small parts that make up the whole. Take your driven quality to the point where you stay on good terms with the people who are helping you. There is at least one person who is wholly dedicated to the tasks at hand, and to you. Even though this person may not seem like they are all that driven or enthusiastic, you may notice that they are getting helpful things done, and helping keep you organized. You don’t need cheerleaders around you; you need competence. You don’t need a hot head, or to bang it against anything; you need to prioritize, and to be organized in your approach to the work ahead. And you must take care of yourself, which means staying as far from the burnout line as you can. One other point. Chiron in your sign is calling on you to do things differently than others do, and potentially to stand apart, and even to openly dissent. You may be sensing the pressure that is on people to go along with whatever the latest plan is, and you may be sick of hearing all the excuses to do so. We live in times when it’s terrifying to many people to actually assert their views, whether by their choices or in the words they say. This is merely a trap. It is not just that the world around you needs to hear where you’re coming from, and to be aware of the questions you’re asking. You need the practice asserting your emerging self-awareness, your conscience and your rapidly coalescing intelligence. You need to not be afraid of fools. There’s certainly no shortage of opportunities to practice these days.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You need an organizing principle for your life. It could be anything; you might be working on a ball of string and that is your purpose. You might be building a company and you might keep a journal, and you know that is the thing you keep coming back to. For many, some combination of their job and raising children serves this purpose, though I suggest that it be something other than one of these, unless your work is truly your vocation. That would be helpful in any event, if you can arrange it. A career is something you do and a vocation is something that calls you. The question is, what do you make, with the deepest meaning of your existence? For many, this is a missing experience; for you, it cannot be. Humanity was created to create like its creator. To participate in that is to engage in the essence of being on this planet, in a body, with a mind and senses and hands that can craft the world into some new shape and form, no matter how modest. It is the translation of meaning into tangible substance, and this is of course a means of self-creation. I would add that the money connection here is secondary. I am talking about the thing you would do equally well whether you’re paid or not; whether someone expects you to do it or not. You don’t see this kind of activity referenced in spiritual texts very often; usually they are abstract, and shun the physical world, and for that reason miss the mark. There is also a social element to this same astrology. When you mean what you make with your heart and soul, you do something distinctive and unique that is social at the same time, and on that, you will thrive.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — What is spiritual? Let’s start with going beyond appearances. We can add a commitment to honesty, and also respect. Being trustworthy is at the essence of spiritual if anything is, and so too is learning how to trust. Let’s keep honesty, respect and trust in mind as we address the first topic: going beyond appearances. The world we see with our senses is often a projection screen. This is not always true, but it’s often true, that we see the contents of our mind rather than the nature of what we think we are perceiving. It would be impossible to notice the difference if not for some shift in perspective, or some experience of the veil lifting and the underlying realty glimpsed and acknowledged. For you, that’s an important dimension of what develops the next few weeks. You may experience it in ways that you can describe and also in ways impossible to describe or quantify. As this happens, there is something brewing on the mental level as well, described by Mercury retrograde in your 3rd place (house, solar house, whole sign house, Gemini). This is about rethinking, reviewing and re-evaluating what is immediately present for you, close to you, or what happened very recently. Events in Sagittarius for you describe the wide, the distant and the deep. Events in Gemini bring these same things right down to the ground, right into your immediate world. The greater truth can find a home in your immediate apprehension and observation of the world and the people around you. What if you lived as if all those high-minded ideals were actually true? How would you make different decisions? How would you speak to people? What would you say to them, ask them about, or offer them?

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — The hangups of your family are not necessarily your hangups. Their struggles are not your struggles. Their pain is not your pain. Yet these statements defy a century of psychological theory, study and practice. They defy the experience of nearly every person, who drags the baggage of their early upbringing with them even unto old age. Experience would say that to a profound degree, we are products of our early upbringing, in the process taking on all that we are subjected to as children. Sometimes people outgrow these influences, and emerge at last themselves. Sometimes people go through a conscious healing process, and let go of all that is not theirs. If we could see behind the scenes in some absolute or quantitative sense, very little of what belongs to our ancestors is actually our karmic property. Yet so often, this is not the effect; we live as if it is. What makes the difference? What provokes people to actually heal, grow, and resolve the past? I would propose that it’s about having something to live for that is all your own. ‘Something’ could be many things, but ultimately what you discover is your purpose and your desire. There is a clue this month in examining where you feel the most blocked. The challenge is the sensation of the block being good for you, or somehow a sign of integrity, even though you have a whole other set of ideas about it at the same time. By this, I mean something like the conflict between desire and restraint, but where restraint usually wins because it’s somehow ‘the right thing to do’. But is it really? Is what you want actually wrong? What is the difference between what you want and who you are? You are not wrong.
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Self-assertive, sometimes bold, Aries is always up for an adventure. A new adventure awaits — purchase your affordable reading by Eric Francis today.
2021-22 Aries Astrology Studio: The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2021 | Go To All Signs
by Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Events this month have the ability to lift you over obstacles that may have interfered with your progress for years, though you might feel like the same quality has the potential to throw you into chaos. The whole world is set at hair-trigger at the moment, and there seems to be little flexibility available. Any change to the known order sends shockwaves across the world, unless of course that change is instigated by fear (and then people think it’s a good thing). You need to be both flexible and courageous, and these days that is asking a lot. One thing I suggest you be mindful of, given that Chiron is in your birth sign or rising sign, is the sense of being a ‘broken person’. A planet related to healing can impart the sensation of needing to be healed, though this calls for a gentle approach, and one that’s not in any way judgmental. Yet the awareness factor of Chiron has a way of propelling movement. If you have been feeling stuck, that can be unsettling, even unnerving. Another dichotomy that you may be experiencing is the pressure others are exerting on you to be like them, while the presence of Chiron and Eris in your sign are insisting that you be like yourself and yourself alone. This is more tension than most people can stand. That’s part of the game: rather than doing what is necessary for oneself, pushing others into conforming and doing the wrong thing for themselves. There are many reasons society got to this place, but there is only one reason to get out: you are who you are and you are nobody else. No matter what anyone may say, you are responsible for your choices.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Before the Sun enters your sign later this month, you have an opportunity to experience the beauty of your inner world. Not everyone knows this exists. At the moment, the only world most people experience is the internet and anything connected to it. Yes, there are a few people in our society who remember forests, but not most. Contact with nature would bring you closer to yourself. An ocean or large body of water comes to mind, though the natural world in any form will do. The feeling you experience with nobody else around, coming face to face with beauty, is a glimpse of your personal and private world. The longer you stay, the better, though you take your inner existence with you everywhere you go. Another approach is to consider food, which is one of the most intimate things about a person. Give yourself frequent experiences of eating exactly what you want, in a setting where you don’t need to justify yourself nor have your choices be subject to discussion. You would be amazed how much approval-seeking surrounds a matter that should be distinctly one’s own business. You may notice a particularly strong emotional charge around food, and all that it’s associated with. You are in an especially good time to adopt the maxim, “Let food be thy medicine.” On March 20, the Sun enters Aries, which is a refreshing moment for you and for the world. Unlike many people, you have considerable freedom of movement, and social options. But those will be limited by fear, and fear is fed by ignorance. You have a responsibility to know your personal truth, which is a matter of self-understanding and making a true effort to understand the facts of the world around you.
Self-assertive, sometimes bold, Aries is always up for an adventure. A new adventure awaits — purchase your affordable reading by Eric Francis today.
2021-22 Aries Astrology Studio: The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are in one of the most financially ambitious phases of your life, though money is likely to take care of itself if you remain true to yourself. That’s not easy in a world that routinely expects people to violate their core values just to make a little money. By this I mean actually encouraging what is genuinely wrong. This works fine for people with no ethics, who do not suffer the psychological consequences. Happily, you do not qualify, so that means you face the quest of what it means to do the right thing, for your peace of mind. This does not just happen in the workplace. The new burst of Aquarius energy is leading people to think they can get others to conform with their every whim. The challenge you face is about standing out. Borrowing from the astrology to illustrate: all that Aquarius in your 11th house (groups, organizations, your immediate society) is blaring with the message that we all must do the same thing. However, Chiron in your birth sign, among other factors, is saying that you must stand up, stand out and be yourself. Listen to how terrifying people describe this as being — and it’s all a head trip. Or better said, it’s not fear of others but rather fear of oneself. Chiron will push you to never have that be something that controls your life, and this month you have much help from Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. Nothing says ‘independence of thought and action’ like Mercury — a vitally important planet to your sign Aries. Be the person you actually are, in the face of any and all pressure to deny yourself. This may seem to take courage. Really, it bestows courage.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #260 for January 19, 2021 by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It will now become apparent how much your life has changed over the past year, in ways that have opened up many new possibilities for you. Yes, the world is presenting every possible argument to the contrary. Opportunities seem to be drying up. Yet you possess determination and excitement about your existence that few are daring enough to acknowledge much less express. Your secret to success will be engaging with people in person: actual social existence, to the greatest degree possible. Get among your neighbors, your colleagues, your friends, and your community. There, you will find other people who are not afraid to do so, which means not frightened of other humans. Those are your people. Take this opportunity now to establish new friendships, new social patterns, new hangouts and new ways of conducting business. Be a pioneer. A new world will arise out of the ruins of the old, and you have the moxie to be one of its founders — and your astrology reveals that many doors will be wide open to you.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #259 for January 11, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be feeling driven and determined, though it would be unwise to take any financial risks for the next few weeks. You probably don’t need to take any at all, though you’re in a good position to increase your income — through work, and trying some new ideas. That’s the place to experiment, rather than laying a lot of cash on the line. Investing in your mind is a much better way to invest in your goals. Over the next few weeks, you may have an idea so bright and so bold that you miss it, or it blinds you for a moment. This is not the kind of thing to act upon casually. It’s something to speak about only with trusted people, who only have your best interests at heart. Mostly, it’s something to develop for a while, with some experiments, keeping track in your lab notebook. Do not abandon the ideas you have at this time in your life; that is too easy in our desperately distracted world. Every moment of focus is a triple word score.
Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope #258 for January 7, 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — When you take care of your basic needs, you will get a positive result. It may not be the one you were expecting, and you may find that your priorities are shifting radically due to events that seem to be outside of your control. It is, however, crucial that you stay true to yourself despite much pressure to do and think what others say. Chiron in your sign is calling on you to remember who you are, and to be who you are whatever others might say, or what example they might set. One theme of the world right now is an almost unbearable pressure to conform with consensus reality. This is not your style, though it’s difficult for most people to stay alert and strong enough to resist complying, especially if they are afraid or confused. Therefore, seek to understand your fear, and not be its slave. And remember that you are a whole being. Everything comes back to that.
Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
by Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Here is a proposal: your spiritual path is to allow nobody to define who you are or what you believe. Most would agree that is a worthy goal. What’s difficult is knowing when it’s happening, and then being able to stand up to the pressure to conform. These are equally challenging. You may only know the situation if you make a choice to do what you want, or to have your own understanding, and assert yourself a little. Then, the resistance you encounter will give you a clue what pressure you were under. So this is what you might think of as a real-time experiment in self-actualization. Chiron is now at full-strength in your birth sign, and will drive you to grow, to become, to explore your consciousness, and to stand out in any way that you need to. This is the nature of the healing crisis (really, the critical mass point) based on Chiron in Aries. It’s possible to experience this transit as being singled out, as not fitting in, or not fitting into your own skin or consciousness. This is the challenge. It’s not really coming from outside of yourself, though the world is very much your playground when it comes to not just figuring out who you are, but fully embodying your personal reality. One thing I suggest is you take it slowly. Do not rush the process, or think you know the outcome. Chiron rewards slow, meticulous effort. Chiron works well in the presence of documentation, which serves as a guardrail against denial. And there is one other thing, that is most often forgotten: the presence of a teacher, and also of serving as a mentor to at least one person who seeks you out.
Spent solstice day with a study group of 6 or so old friends. Their rants about alternatives to dominant mainstream narratives/medicine made it hard to maintain a sense of personal safety. Medical authorities in my country are threatening to arrest people who even put alternative views on FB. Hunkered down in silence enduring this for 3 hours, marvelling at how much raw primal fear was arising about being dobbed in by previously friendly folk. Cut and ran (literally) at hour 4. People chased me to my car asking me to stay. I was beyond rationality and mute with fear. 48 hours at home with much reflection and examination of the fear revealed deep memories of witch hunts. It helped to realise that ancient memories of betrayal and death were being revealed so I can clear it. I stared into the forest crying and offered forgiveness to whoever has hurt me in ages past. Feel lighter. Calmer. Stronger in this knowledge of vulnerability.