New York, Jan. 15, 2021 | View as Webpage | Help Create PWFM
The Inaugural Impeachment: New Planet Waves FM Planned For Tonight at 10 pm ET

Dear Friend and Listener:

Early reminder: Planet Waves FM is planned for tonight at 10 pm EST. That is when I usually upload the file; it can be listened to at any time going forward. I will be covering the chart of the nearly simultaneous inauguration ceremony/impeachment trial, and the Pluto return of the United States.

Eric Francis.
What is the Pluto return? Well, it's the only time in American history when you could have a presidential impeachment trial begin the same day as the presidential inauguration.

At the top of the program, I'll have details for how to register for the live edition of Planet Waves TV scheduled for 7 pm EST on Sunday.

Also, I've updated Daily Planets with information about this weekend's hot astrology, the warmup to next week's astrology. Daily Planets is better than ever, with a live feed of my audio readings, daily birthday readings and much more.

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Catch you tonight at 10 for an evening of talk and music.

With love,

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