The Spiritual Angle of the Virus Scare
Dear Friend and Reader:
Thursday's Core Community edition of Planet Waves looks at the spiritual and social implications of the coronavirus scare.
I do my best to answer the question that everyone is asking: "How scared should I be?"
We're sharing this issue with you, for your information -- and to
encourage your investment in Planet Waves. What I am saying is: this is why we're worth it.
Just after finishing the edition. |
I understand that parting with money is a big decision for many people. I do my best to make Planet Waves a highly reliable, useful source of astrological information and news.
For many, we are their only news source -- the only one they can read without having an anxiety attack.
We're also one of the only outlets anywhere
covering the news from a spiritual angle, which comes along with a fantastic horoscope and up-to-date information about the sky.
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I've Been Down This Road a Few Times
To write this week's article, I've drawn on my long experience covering public health emergencies. I describe typical behaviors of public officials and also those impacted by an incident.
In the United States, the overwhelming tendency is for everyone to minimize the problem. Most people want to be told that everything is going to be fine, and are happy with that. Very few go below the surface story; sadly, even fewer journalists do so -- often because their publisher won't allow it.
This edition builds on
Saturday's monthly edition, which addresses the topic of fear and deception.
Based on the available information, we have some obvious questions to ask, and in the edition, I go over a few of them. I also describe a method of formulating questions, which can only be answered with data, not opinions.
One of our current spiritual problems is how invested our society is in the notion of "if I think it's true, then it's true." That's not going to work anymore.
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With love,

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