Astrology Secrets Revealed by ERIC FRANCIS

The Best of 2004


January 14, 2004


Dear and Glorious Readers:


As I write, me and my colleagues are in the final stages of Bridge to the Core, the Planet Waves 2005 annual horoscope. So I'm taking a week off from this column to keep the heat on that project, which looks like it'll be ready later today. This week, I've compiled a few of my favorite responses to your questions into a 'best of' feature, all of which are on the theme of how to learn astrology.


That's the theme of this whole column, the mission, my dearest desire: to put astrology into your hands, and to make getting into the process easy. Or course, once you're involved, there are different levels of depth and intensity you can study and practice, and actually mastering something is never easy. But getting started is often the hardest part; getting that sense that you have a grip. What I'm offering you here is intended as basic, tune in, catch the rhythm natural astrology.


It's good old stuff, already beating in your heart and pulsing in your brainwaves.


I really love these essays and I'm happy to give them a new chance to be read.

Meantime, Bridge to the Core has turned out to be a very nice web page: up to 1,400 words per sign in the annual forecast area; a number of articles addressing Chiron in Aquarius, Saturn in Leo, and sign changes by two other centaur planets (Pholus and Nessus); an astrological calendar for 2005; and a massive charts resource area for students of astrology or those who are just curious. I've done my most in-depth writing ever on 2012 and the astrology between now and then. There are dozens of magnificent bridge images sent in by our readers. There is writing by Planet Waves literary slugger Jeanne Treadway (who writes about walls, while I cover bridges) and a Mayan astrology report through July by daykeeper Carol Burkhart, of the Galactic Alchemy web site.


Bridge to the Core is free to all Planet Waves subscribers. To find out more, check this link:


Thank you for checking in today, I hope you enjoy the 'How to Learn Astrology' series from October, and I'll see you on that bridge -- and here again next week.

Happy Year of the Phoenix. Rise up, rise up.




PS, Jonathan, thanks for your brilliant Sedna forecasts. Show the world how it's done, brother.