New York, June 16, 2019 | View as Webpage | Sign Up for This Class | Get the Three-Class Bundle
Don't miss our second live class this Monday. You can see our video preview here, and here's an audio sample of the first 15 minutes of the first session. We'll provide a full recording and set of resources to everyone who signs up.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Astrology is often a study in human development. Those developments can be tracked by certain transits that happen to people of the same age range at about the same time. [See video preview here. See PDF of some class charts here.]

We live in a society that fails to recognize meaningful developments in our lives. Once someone is past college graduation and marriage, it's rare that the progress people make is honored -- no matter how hard won. Going out to dinner or getting a gold watch when you retire is not enough.

One result of this, I believe, is that most people's maturity is either stunted or unrecognized in our culture. Progress is rarely claimed -- and progress is what we need.

Eric Francis.
Astrology offers an opening here -- a way to view the passage of time, and the process of maturity. This comes through the reading of key life transits, rare events that may only happen once in a person's lifetime. They describe rites of passage, and opportunities for growth.

You've heard of some of them -- the Saturn returns at age 29 and 58, and the Chiron return at age 50. There are many others in the Saturn and Chiron series of transits, including Saturn transits that begin at age 7, and Chiron transits that can (in certain charts) begin around the same time.

And there are the Pluto square currently at about age 38, Neptune square at around age 41, and Uranian opposition at age 42. Some people experience their Uranus return at age 84 and even a third Saturn return at age 87. I've done key life transit research on all of the thousands of clients I've worked with the past 25 years; it was one of the first topics I took up.

I am covering these in a three-part class called INITIATIONS: A Class in Key Life Transits. This is an introductory class on the topic. The next live session will be Monday, June 17. Ahead of the first class, I released a video that introduces the technical elements of the work. You may see the preview here.

The live classes focus on the developmental process that these transits represent. I offer my observations about the transits, and we will hear from students who have experienced them.

Whether you're an astrology student, an aspiring astrologer, a professional, an astrology fan, or someone who is interested in the process of human evolution, this class is for you. The live sessions will be recorded for all students to download and keep, so you may review it and listen again as many times as you need.

There will be a page of class-related resources. The tuition for this class is currently $122; the final cost will be $144.

Here is how to sign up. If you have questions, please call us at (206) 567-4455.

Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrology teacher.

With love,
PS -- You can get this class at a significant discount as part of our 2019 three-class package, which includes Astrology Revealed and Introduction to Chiron.

PPS -- While it is helpful to be present at both live classes, the recording and resources are available ongoing, so you can refer back and follow along as necessary. There's also an email discussion list, and we're on hand to answer any questions you may need.

About Eric's Teaching

Eric Francis has taught astrology in many venues in North America and the U.K., including UAC, NorWAC, NCGR, the Astrological Lodge of Manchester, the Blast Astrology Conference, Nightlight Astrology, the Edgar Cayce Center in Manhattan, Astrology Toronto, and at local events on the East and West coasts of the United States. He's taught more than 12 classes for Planet Waves, and offers his thoughts on astrology and its practice each Sunday night on Planet Waves FM.

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