Reader Comment
August 4, 2006
Hi Eric:
I don't often disagree with an expert in his own field --
but today I'm compelled to say something about the advice you’ve given to
Michelle in regards to her natal chart.
It would appear contradictory to advise Michelle to 'own'
her projections and whatnot, while at the same time telling her that,
basically, early childhood conditioning is to blame for her current condition.
How can one own that which does not come from them?
One of the things I love about astrology is it gives me an
idea of the kind of 'filter' through which I view the world -- one which often
defines me, sometimes undermines me, but which is fundamentally my way of being
in and through the world. It’s my Acorn.
Anyone's experience of childhood is precisely that, an
individual's experience -- and 'conditioning' cannot be anything but a child's
way of reacting to events that occurred in the course of my growing up --
through my 'filter'.
That which causes emotional trauma to one child may be a big
adventure to another. Yes, a mother’s love or lack thereof is a huge
influence upon the development of a child's psyche -- but not necessarily one
needing value judgments, in hindsight, for the purposes of becoming a
responsible-for-self human being. If you had children, Eric (sure you won't be
offended by this) you might have the perspective to find the entire idea a lot
more freeing than the 'cause and effect' model of psychology and astrology.
In other words -- shouldn't you question, at least, the
trend toward finding causes in childhood -- why not find a filter right here
and now in your SELF.
I am a great advocate of psychoanalysis, and would
wholeheartedly recommend a soul-based therapy for Michelle, one which will
teach her to recognise her own role in creating her life, from infancy.
-- Dan
Hey Dan:
Note to readers, this pertains to a question from last
week's edition.
Client situations are not easy topics to take up in an
essay. The subject of projection is difficult and complicated and it's subject
to interpretation and one's definition of what the mind is.
You ask: "It would appear contradictory to advise
Michelle to 'own' her projections and whatnot, while at the same time telling
her that, basically, early childhood conditioning is to blame for her current
condition. How can one own that which does not come from them?"
Well, if someone gives you something, and you take it,
whether you realize it or not, it's yours. So, that's how someone can own
something that does not come from them. If you inherit, you own it. What I am
saying in my response is that Michelle was given things... influenced in
specific ways, patterns were taken on, and one of those patterns involves
whatever situation I described.
The problem with astrology done in essay format is that it's
not actually possible to work with someone. So I try to come from a human place
of common sense and empathy, as well as from what I have learned, and whatever
interpretive skills I can offer. My guide rule is that of the Tao Te Ching's
advice to diviners: be sincere.
In terms of "creating her own role in creating her
life, from infancy," we depart ideas 10,000 percent. I recognize there is
a school of thought that says we choose our parents. Whatever the causes of our
parents in our lives may be, I start the discussion of childhood with the
grounding that initially, our parents happened to us. We also happen to them,
and that, too, happens to us, as we pick up their reactions to us. But we enter
their environment.
I pointed Michelle to a book that is about the neurology of
emotion, childhood impact and therapy. The main point of the book, called A
General Theory of Love, is that due to the limitations on the size of the human
pelvis, a child's brain is gestating until at least two years old. In terms of
our brains, we are a fetus till age two. During this time, the limbic system is
forming -- the part of the brain that deals with both emotion and memory. It is
forming within the environment that surrounds it, and the authors explain that
we become tuned to the emotional pitch and tenor of our family of origin. In
this process, limbic pathways are formed, which carry our neurological messages
-- feelings and memories -- in a very specific pattern, much like those of the
people around us.
I have no doubt that this whole scenario is influenced by
karma, whatever that may be, but I feel that physical and scientific models can
be useful if we apply them with awareness -- and this seems to be a very useful
one. It helped me, at least, to understand there was an environmental and
neurological factor involved in the patterning process. This helps account for
why people are so attuned to their families, and why people's families can push
their buttons so easily. It also helps account for why we tend to have
relationships that so closely mimic those we have with parents -- we are
neurologically tuned to that pitch; indeed, we are often deaf to any other.
The issue of choosing our parents and our life circumstances
based on a concept of the soul is a kind of religious belief (currently
enshrined in New Age religion, among others), but as an active factor, this is
very much outside the gestalt of anything discussed so far in this situation.
The problem with this belief is that kids tend to take on responsibility for
everything around them, they tend to blame themselves for everything, and I
think that what productive therapy does is help us sort out who is responsible
for what. And I believe that parents are 1. Responsible for what they do and 2.
In our culture, at least traditionally and to a great extent today, extremely
reluctant to accept any responsibility at all.
Then along comes somebody with what is a kind of
intellectual construction (even if it came from India, it lands in the West as
an intellectual idea): we "choose our parents" and, whether true or
not, we suddenly have yet another reason to take responsibility (usually in the
form of fault and blame) for their stuff, their actions, their choices, and the
conditions of their lives at the time of our infancy. So I try not to touch
this concept, ever. If the client brings up the subject of having chosen his or
her parents, that's another story -- in this case, she did not. But generally
to me this is a signal that the person is taking on the blame for what their
parents did to them, which can be extremely paralyzing, and usually the idea is
swallowed whole.
In terms of suggesting she not only seek therapy, but also
in introducing her to the best book I've ever read about therapy -- neurologically
grounded and loving -- I feel like I am in safe, at worst, benign territory.
But I will say: in doing astrology in writing, where therapy is called for,
there is no right answer. Interpretation is always a risk, and always violates
the ethics of therapy; as does advice.
I just do my best, stick to my experience and training as
honestly as I can, listen to the client, and read the chart. And while I do not
advocate that others embark on a "spiritual path," I follow my inner
guidance in these answers and respond in harmony with the information I am
Usually, this will include some form of the message that you
can help yourself, and since you're sitting here asking for help, it would seem
that you're ready.
Thanks for writing, Dan.
Eric Francis