Saturn's Arrival in My Sun Sign
June 23, 2006
Hey there, Eric.
My name is Maura and I was born in September 1967, in the
Thanks. Best to you all!
Dear Maura:
It's good to think ahead, and Saturn rewards a measure of
careful planning, but we have not yet passed the
Last summer, I covered in two articles, pre-Hurricane
Katrina, the issue of levees breaking when Saturn is in Leo, as well as many
other facets of that placement. Here they are, part one and part two.
Arwynne O'Neill, one of the editors of this page, has also
written a historical compendium on the Saturn-Neptune opposition called Heavy
With that detail out of the way, let's speak briefly about
Saturn in one's own sign, and Saturn in Virgo.
Many astrologers would agree that there's at least one
gospel truth in our craft: living well with astrology, or living well in
general, is learning to be friends with Saturn. We can all pity the fools who
are not, who refuse to be, or who don't know better. People, in essence, who
have not taken over as their own parents, and thus give the job to everyone
else. This is the classic Saturn issue.
And when Saturn comes home to your sign, we can presume
you've reached the point in your growth where it's time to update your files in
this respect. "Coming to terms with yourself" is the best key phrase
I've ever heard for Saturn visiting one's own sign, which is to say, transiting
one's Sun and also any personal planets you may have accompanying the Sun
(Venus and Mercury are always near the Sun) -- as well as any other planets you
may have near the Sun.
Since you're born in the 1960s, we know you have the Sun
near Uranus and Pluto, which were conjunct in Virgo from about 1963 through
1969. Checking your chart, you also have Venus, Ceres, Juno and Mercury near
the Sun, for a total of seven top-level planets in Virgo and whatever minor
planets turn up -- but seven is plenty for the purposes of this discussion.
Then they range from the 1st degree of Virgo to the 28th degree of Virgo, so
you will have one long Saturn transit the entire time Saturn is in this sign.
The thing is, you are not new to transits to this stellium,
and you have plenty going on right now. Since 1995, Pluto has been squaring all
these planets and has one more to go (Mercury); and since 2003, Uranus has been
opposing them, and has five more to go. There are quite a few people with
clusters in the mutable signs who have been getting nothing but Chiron, Pluto
and Uranus transits. So you're not alone, but your chart is fairly strong
(though your major mutable planets are only in Virgo -- some have them spread
into three or four signs, which adds to the whole effect).
So, by the time Saturn gets to Virgo, you will be in
something like your 12th year of transits to your stellium, including from
Uranus, Pluto, Chiron (twice, once from Virgo in 1994-1995, and again from
Sagittarius in 1999-2001). If you have not got the hang of it by then, you
probably won't ever.
If you're curious about the nature of this stellium -- as
opposed to a transit -- let's check in with it when Chiron went over it in
1994-1995. That WAS a transit, but the thing about Chiron transits is that they
reveal as close to the 'true nature' of the natal position as anything does. This
was a before and after time in your life. In the meantime, there was a
What do you remember?
Once you do that, identify the subjects, themes, people, and
energetic qualities that surfaced (I am avoiding the use of the word 'issues').
These are the basic resident energies of that stellium.
Personally, I would say Saturn transiting these planets
comes down to this. You are obviously a uniquely gifted and talented person.
There is no way you could not be, with that Virgo stellium.
Further, your astrology makes you a personal representative
of the astrology of the 1960s, one of the most revolutionary times in modern
history. There is just one really simple question that Saturn is going to ask,
in my opinion: What are you doing with all that potential?
As for Saturn Rx in the 4th house -- that tells me you need
to get over some emotional insecurity or hesitation about what you do, and why
you do it. What kind of progress have you made getting over any such feelings,
if you have them?
You don't need to wait till 2007 to answer these questions.
The information has been coming fast and furious, for a long, long time -- and
Saturn conjunct all that stuff is like a final exam to make sure that you've
been living your chart up till that point. If you have been, the opportunities
for growth in the world, and within yourself, will be truly incredible.