January 21, 2005
Dear Eric:
Having been a fan of Jonathan for many years I followed up and read your Q
& A. I do not have a question but would like to note a few observations.
I agree that people are at last awakening, however this is
only the few who are tuned/wired for this shift. The people who choose (have
chosen) to be here for this time and change.
Unfortunately the others cannot be here for the shift but
shall, and are, protesting and hence trying to control what is happening.
This cannot be controlled and I think the awakening at
present is the people understanding we are not in control. This earth we grace
shall undertake what changes it needs to survive.
There are many people who are prepared for this change and,
actually, it cannot come soon enough as we are currently bored with the current
status quo.
I do believe your page does allow others to realize they are
not on their own we are here for a reason and it shall be upon us soon. It is
all positive stuff.
Many thanks.