in 2007: Pluto on the Galactic Core
January 28, 2005 (with picture)
Dear Eric:
Do you have any comments or insights you may like to share on Pluto, the planet
of transformation, aligning with the Galactic centre around 28 October 2007?
Dear Gwen,
I've been watching this one develop, and I assure you, it will be interesting.
For those new to the idea of the Galactic
Core, search the Q & A archive from around Sagittarius time and you'll find
lots of references. In brief, our Sun is part of a cluster in space -- an
island in space -- that contains between 100 billion and 300 billion stars.
Here is a picture of it:
This is our galaxy, called the Milky Way.
In the Northern Hemisphere, we can see it as a streak across the night sky in
summer. This photo is a composite of many photos that assemble a more complete
Our solar system is out on the left-hand
edge, not shown. The bulge in the middle, also called the core, aligns with 26
degrees and 57 minutes of Sagittarius. It's also on the ecliptic, which means
that planets go by and make close conjunctions and other aspects to the core.
I'm not going to attempt an exhaustive
answer of your inquiry, but I'd like to open the subject up for discussion
today. Recently I interviewed John Major Jenkins, a specialist in the history,
culture and calendar of the ancient Mayans. The Mayan system of belief was
based on the imagery of the galaxy and, particularly, Galactic Core. They saw
that black streak running across the core and associated it with a kind of
cosmic vulva, from which they believed that human life emerged.
The streak, which goes through the core,
has a name; it is called the Road to Xibalba. As 2012, a the end of the 'long
count' in the Mayan calendar, approaches, the position of the Sun each year at
Capricorn solstice (which moves gradually over the centuries) comes close to
the Road to Xibalba, finally making a long conjunction that lasts about 30
But as you say, in 2008, Pluto reaches
the position of the Galactic Core first, which is an immediate and likely
shocking change of some kind. So my sense is that we're going to get a lot of
insight into what you might call the meaning of our modern times as Pluto
reaches this point.
I associate the core with the highest
levels of divinity we can, as humans, access; with deep insights to the nature
of reality; and with the source of life, as I view the core as a cosmic source
and spiritual reckoning point. I think that the transit of Pluto to this point
will do a lot to ground us in a higher vibration, and point the way to
something more productive than the allegedly spiritual dogma we are used to
Jenkins noted in his interview that from
the viewpoint of the ancient Mayans, Polaris, the pole star (covered last week)
was fading into the past (that is, disappearing from their skies) as time went
on, and the Galactic Core was becoming more prominent -- in part due to the
position of the Capricorn solstice Sun approaching the core (and the black
streak) a little bit each year. They viewed the Sun's approach to this region
as an imminent experience of cosmic fertilization, which, again, we go through
as 2012 approaches. I would say that we're talking about a very similar moment
as Pluto crosses the core -- perhaps a time of preparation, clearing out, or
just a time of rapid development.
More on
John Major Jeninks and the Road to Xibalba is here: or