Fixed Grand Cross
October 28, 2005 (with chart)
Dear Eric,
I understand that November is going to be a challenging one,
due to the squares and oppositions in fixed signs (Saturn in Leo, Mars in
Taurus, Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio).
I have been told by an astrologer in the past that I have a
Grand Cross in fixed signs (Mars in Taurus in the 5th, Neptune in Scorpio in
the 11th, Saturn in Aquarius in the 2nd and North Node in Leo in the 8th). Even
if the North Node was not included, it leaves a T-square.
I would really appreciate your interpretation and guidance
as to how the November planets may impact on me, and how best for me to
"weather" the transits.
Many thanks
Dear Claire
The last time we had a grand fixed cross on this scale was
in the summer of 1999, for the grand cross-total solar eclipse of August 11.
This was a monumental turning point in that it ushered in an era in history
that to most was unforeseen; the very next year we experienced the stolen
election -- and so on and so on and so on.
For many, this was a time of profound personal change,
development, and acceleration of growth. Working as an astrologer at the time,
I felt like a ferryman guiding people one by one across the enormous divide
between the past and the future; I have never had so many clients show up so
fast with such intensity in their lives. It was quite a summer. My chronicle of
it is posted here.
But one thing I noticed was that two clients who already had
a fixed grand cross were basically cool, calm and collected. I recognize that
two people are not a statistical study, but it certainly made an impression on
me. It seemed as if they were already quite accustomed to that fixed + grand
cross energy, and basically took the changes in stride. Now, I do not have
follow-up interviews; who knows, maybe they are reading. But I can tell you
that they were the two most calm and clear-headed discussions of that summer.
Before we get to your chart, I'd like to offer a few
quotations from Alice A. Bailey's book Esoteric Astrology on the subject of the
Fixed Cross. Whenever you get into a discussion of one of the three crosses --
cardinal, fixed or mutable -- Esoteric Astrology is the place to go; this is
one of the specialties covered by this book.
Basically, the idea I get from looking over her comments is
that the fixed cross is the process where the density of personality is
lightened into the awareness of the soul.
Much of one's experience of the cross depends on one's stage
of growth. But many of us are having the kind of experience where, paraphrasing
the Course in Miracles a bit, what matters, matters and what does not does not.
But this whole process is intuitive rather than literal; it's a way of
transposing experience such as events or experiences that may have produced a
dense, difficult reaction in the past now are approached from a more loving,
more aware and less polarized frame of mind.
"Substance, the ocean of life, water, the symbol of
desire and the impulse to incarnate are transmuted into soul light substance
and the urge to tread consciously the path of return, plus the longing to
serve," she says of this cross. Referring to the Taurus-Scorpio polarity,
where much of this activity occurs, she says, "The personality is humbled
and brought to grips with the soul."
Or, as my old teacher Alan Cohen has said, "The ego
makes a great slave and a terrible master."
So, that's a little bit of esoteric wisdom on the Fixed
Cross. As for your chart. Quite a journey along the razor's edge your live has
been, yes?
It is in part the positions of the planets, but also their
framing along the Lunar Nodes that make this chart so intense -- as I am sure
you've pondered. It's as if you have your special mission, and that is that.
This is the feeling of the Node. It's like a vortex in the chart that feels
compelling and creates a kind of inevitable sense of focus whether we like it
or not.
I would feel a lot more confident discussing this chart
after an hour of interviewing you -- but I can tell you that the Mars-Neptune
opposition, squaring the Nodes, is really the essence of the picture. This
opposition is a particular frame of mind that you need over and over again and,
I sense, are working to slowly express on the highest possible level.
There is an extremely powerful desire nature suggested here,
an even more powerful imagination, and the sense that you're going to have to
keep dealing with yourself, over and over again, until you really have an
understanding of who you are -- and can express yourself in the world clearly
and without compulsion.
The transits that are coming up speak of many different
processes; for example, Saturn is close to opposing its natal position.
Honestly, Claire, this is not about "weathering"
anything; this is about going to a whole new level of life. Note that astrology
can be used to make a kind of simplistic prediction about things being
difficulty -- or it can be used to reach layers of meaning and understanding
relating to the inevitable process of growth.
These transits are about coming to terms with yourself, a
complete reorientation, and experiencing yourself an entirely new way. And they
are about the discovery of something quite amazing in the form of Uranus going
over your Chiron-Jupiter during the next few months. This rather brilliant
third house placement is likely to offer you ideas you had never even
considered -- coming right from you.
I am talking about something new, that you may not have ever
considered; this is opposed to the information that you possess, live by, and
hold dear which you may be called upon to go beyond and see differently. When
you get the hang of it, I don't think you'll mind.