Astrology Secrets Revealed by ERIC FRANCIS

Fixed Stars


November 11, 2005


Dear Eric,


I've been wondering how you feel about the fixed stars and whether you ever use them in chart analysis. In particular I'm interested in your thoughts on Algol (which features in my own chart, being conjunct my Venus, which squares Saturn in the 8th house). Although I became interested in Algol and the Aries point because of the way they hit my own chart -- I have Mars on the Aries point -- I can't help but wonder how they affect the world scene. My curiosity about the Aries Point and its relation to current events has been somewhat satisfied by your many excellent discussions, but I'm still wondering about Algol and its potential to wreak havoc, COMBINED with the power of the Aries Point related phenomena you have brought our attention to. Every time I pull up a transit chart lately, the sight of Mars so close to Algol gets up and thumps me in the head. How do you feel about it?


Thank you so very much for your beautifully written, insightful articles. Rock on!





Dear Anne-Marie


Reply removed -


A reader pointed out an error in my response -- so I'll have a new response next week. Meanwhile, if there are any people who are into the fixed stars, please send in your ideas and responses regarding the star Algol. Thank you!