September 16, 2005
Hi Eric,
Thanks first of all for your enlightened writing; I find
your insights VERY meaningful. I'm a little worried about the upcoming eclipse.
The things I've been reading are making me nervous about my plans. My life has
not been easy, but for the last year or so I've been trying to make as many
positive changes as I can to try to make the rest of my life a happier
experience. It's been a pretty uphill struggle, going more slowly than I'd
hoped, but I'm hanging in there. I've never really traveled much, don't usually
go away on vacations, maybe three or four times in my whole life, so this year
as a part of my positive change and a gift to myself for my 50th year, I saved
my pennies (literally) and booked a weeklong trip to Macchu Pichu and the
Sacred Valley. I'm a little nervous about it (altitude sickness, travel
glitches, and especially leaving my cat with a friend), and now I keep reading
about the October eclipse being eventful, and it's making me more so. I'm
leaving NYC at 11:30 pm 10/2, arriving in
Dear Sheila,
First, congratulations on pulling this together. The journey
began when you really made the commitment to do it. Have you noticed that your
life has changed along the way? Second, congratulations on your timing.
While I would be extremely unlikely ever to suggest that
anyone cancel travel plans (as an astrologer, I would rather be involved in
planning, if anything), it sounds to me like your plans are ideal. I can't
promise you everything is going to go as you imagined -- and I suggest you give
that up as soon as possible, because the emphasis on this journey is mystery.
Your choice to go to this awesome part of the world during a New Moon and solar
eclipse sounds pretty meaningful to me. You are flying into the eclipse and
will be arriving pretty much as it happens.
I can assure you that you're going somewhere that eclipses
have been observed and celebrated over many thousands of years. The psychic
environment and atmosphere of change and intensity that surrounds the event
will add to the quality of the place, in such a way that may even be
inseparable from the setting itself.
Eclipses are powerful moments of repatterning. They help us
let go of old patterns and establish new ones. So, take that as you will; you
have not traveled much and now you're taking this mystical and exotic journey,
sending a message to yourself and the cosmos that this is the new way you want
to live.
Since you're doing this for your 50th birthday, you're quite
close to your Chiron return and I suggest thinking of this trip as being
associated with that. While it takes some investigation to uncover the deeper
themes of the Chiron return, this transit represents movement between two major
phases of your life.
I will leave it at that, and wish you the best on your