Letter from Eric
September 23, 2005 (with chart)
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2005
(The birthdays of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins)
Dear Readers Around the World:
Beginning this week, I'll be scaling the "Astrology
Secrets Revealed" column's schedule back to every other week. I anticipate
this holding through the rest of 2005, when (after the 2006 annual horoscope is
complete) I'll reassess things.
It's been an excellent adventure doing this column every
single week, particularly with the intensity that it's been going, covering a
truly wild phase of world history practically as it happened (today would be
the 69th week). But as I've explained to my readers on Planet Waves, I need to
pull back just a bit, and make a few moves to balance out my life, and this
seemed to be one way to do that.
However, if there is very important news during an off-week,
I will add a special update to the top of the prior article, and the chart for
that event. As I write, I think of Hurricane Rita, upgraded to a Category 5
(the highest), and about to make landfall in the already-devastated
The world is changing fast now, and it's going to change
faster yet. This is process is long overdue. We've been living through a long
period when the "rear guard" -- those dedicated to the dark ways of
the past, particularly war and greed as a way of life -- have been clinging to
power desperately. Now, for better or worse, we're feeling something else: the
power of nature. We will, in the coming seasons and years, be experiencing more
events that will help us discover how resilient the human race is, and to feel
how strong our will to live really is.
While we don't have control over world events, we do have an
influence over our vibration level, which affects many people around us. This,
too, often seems challenging, because we are so at the mercy of the world, and
often our own personal energetic quality can seem as "locked in" as
the gridlocked state of the planet. But we do have an influence. We have tools
we can use and we have choices we can make. One of those choices is who we
relate to, and how. This is a crucial moment to find people whose love and
influence guides you to a more stable, flexible and aware state of
Many thousands of people in this reading audience have been
practicing spiritual and healing techniques for decades. The New Age movement
is alive and well in
Those of you with ideas to share, with projects to initiate,
with inventions to offer, with classes to teach -- THIS is your moment. NOW is
the time -- in terms of astrology, and in terms of the story of the world.
We are now at the moment of the Libra Equinox. The Sun
enters Libra overnight Thursday (in the Northern Hemisphere), and we reach a
turning point in the seasons and in history. At this moment, the Sun makes an
opposition to the Aries Point -- one of the most sensitive parts of the entire
zodiac. Thus, the Sun crosses the Libra Point (as well as the celestial
equator), and many astrological effects are set into motion. These include the
Sun making an exact conjunction to the massive galaxy M87 during the next 48
hours (over the weekend of the 24th-25th). At the same time, it makes an aspect
(a square) to the Road to Xibalba -- the dark band at the core of the Milky Way
galaxy that is associated directly with the entire phenomenon of 2012 and the
end of the Mayan Calendar.
One of the endless themes of this column has been the Aries
Point, which now comes up again as the Sun enters Libra, the opposite sign to
Aries. The phrase "Aries Point" would probably come up 200 times if
you searched the archives of this column. The Aries Point refers to the first
degree of Aries, as well as to the corresponding cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra
and Capricorn.
This structure, called the "cardinal cross," has
been involved in every major news event going back to 2001. The theme of these
points is, "the personal is political." They reveal the psychic
geometry that connects individual people to the collective, and collective
events to individuals. And now, we're about to go on a rather full-strength
ride, as the Equinox gives way to an eclipse in Libra on Oct. 3 and a wide
diversity of other events in Libra that will emphasize the point.
I will get to the eclipse and the corresponding Mars
retrograde next week. For now, I would like to leave you with the Libra Equinox
chart, set for
One thing that happens when the Sun crosses a cardinal point
is that it makes a BIG aspect to just about every other news chart for the past
four years -- or at least to a chart that was lurking behind the news. So it's
kind of like the events we've experienced are connected by a long DNA thread
and each time you take a slice of the DNA and look at what's going on, you see
the same basic pattern.
Read through the archives, take a look, see if you can find
the pattern for yourself. The article on Katrina Astrology would be a good
place to start, and you can look back to the end of last year for the series on
the Asian tsunami where the phenomenon happened again.
For now, I will take your leave, and see you next Thursday,
the gods be willing, with another edition of Astrology Secrets Revealed
dedicated to the Mars retrograde and the eclipse in Libra.
My friends and cousins around the world, the pace is
quickening. The world is awakening. Look around, you are not alone. Make eye
contact with people on the street. Call up your loved ones and say hello. Get
together with people you care about. Give yourself space and time to process
what's happening with you and with the world, and make sure you have the help
you need.
Daily updates continue at Planet Waves (though the theme has
shifted to spiritual and away from political), including new photos a few times
a week. See you there, or see you here.
Keep your lights on,
Peace & Passion,
Eric Francis