Virgo New Moon
September 2, 2005
Dear Readers:
Whether Hurricane Katrina was the result of global warming
or not, it came in the stream of much astrology. I have read that extremes of
weather are associated with strong lunations on the Leo-Aquarius axis, and we
have just had a couple of those.
Meanwhile, we are approaching an eventful Virgo New Moon,
exact Saturday, Sept. 3 at 7:45 pm BST. On the way this week, we had the exact
opposition of the Sun (in Virgo) and Uranus (the planet of surprises and
inventions) in Pisces shaking up the cosmic tree.
Thursday, Sept. 1 was the conjunction of Venus to Jupiter in
Libra, exact Sept. 1. This is an event occurring close to the South Node of the
Moon, the point in the chart associated with history and the effects of the
past. As such, it may be part of an older story, representing a reunion of some
kind, or the benefits of past effort, and in some cases, the consequences. This
may include the benefits of a skill, knowledge or wisdom that can be put to
judicious use now. I get the feeling we can both trust and handle what happens
under this astrology.
However -- everything about this conjunction -- a meeting of
the two "benefic" planets in one of the most positively oriented
signs -- needs to be handled with prudence and an attitude of careful
observation as events develop over the next two months, which include an
eclipse of the Sun in Libra just over a month from today (Oct. 3).
It is just around that point (on Oct. 1) that Mars turns to
retrograde motion for about 12 weeks. Mars, now moving slowly, very slowly,
through Taurus, is certainly making itself felt in people's lives, though there
are many possible effects and they are not all "negative." Mars
remaining in one sign for a long time (as it does once every two years; the
last one was Pisces, in the summer of 2003) places great emphasis on that sign.
Taurus is the region of wealth, financial security, comfort and self-esteem.
This emphasis may come in as questions, changes, reform projects or events with
which we collaborate to shape the path of our lives.
We are already in the retrograde effect, as Mars now
occupies degrees wherein it will be moving backwards (sometimes called the
shadow phase). In all, it's a time to keep complications to a minimum, to keep
discussions above the boards, and to keep a handle on where the people around
you are coming from.
On Sept. 2, Pluto stationed direct in Sagittarius, making
its way ever closer to the Galactic Core (which it finally reaches in Dec.
Last is the New Moon itself. Between now and Saturday, we
are in the extreme waning phase of the Moon. This event still has the Sun in a
fairly close opposition to Uranus, so it could be a kind of cosmic trigger of
both personal and collective events. Many other aspects suggest that we are in
a stable, dependable enough time of history to proceed with some combination of
caution and determination. But surely not business as usual -- we really need
to hold a healing vision for the planet, then seriously, and I mean really, get
with the program of unusual progress and solving collective problems on the
collective level -- that is to say, working together.
Not just praying or wishing: working and helping one
another, while we learn to take care of our basic needs at the same time.
Updates are daily at Planet Waves, and the new free monthly
horoscopes are posted. Thanks for tuning in.
Here are some of your questions this week. Thanks for
writing, and my appreciation to Vanessa and Deirdre in the