June 17, 2005
Hey Eric,
I Object, Your Honor! :-) As a Capricorn
myself, I thoroughly object to the notation on the Ruler Chart in your answer
on Cainer's site last week. You say, "Capricorn - Saturn - Modern Ruler,
None (Modern? Capricorn?)."
What is it with all you astrologer types
who knock us poor Capricorns as stuck-in-the-mud-traditional types -- :-P I
know many old-fashioned people and most of then are certainly NOT Capricorns.
In fact the Capris, to a person, are mostly just termed 'eccentric' by everyone
who knows them. And they are more 'progressive' in their thinking than the
Libras, Arians, Scorpios, Sadges and Leos that I seem to attract in droves.
In ancient
(from a 'modern' sea-goat)
Dear Sea-Goat,
Ah yes, just like a true Capricorn: a
little formal, willing to assert yourself, quite intelligent, and witty enough
to get everyone with a brain laughing.
I was counting on that Cap sense of humor
of yours to pick up the fact that I was, in part, poking fun at the traditional
qualities of the 10th sign of the zodiac.
However, as I am a practicing
Capricologist, with many years of experience and a fine collection of Capricorn
charts and interesting people in my life who prove astrology is real, please
note that I did not say, "stick in the mud." Or "boring."
Or "old fashioned."
No, no, no.
First, a technical clarification: a
modern planet means since a planet discovered the dawn of science. The opposite
concept is traditional planet. The first modern planet was Uranus, discovered
in 1781. Astrology generally refers to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as the modern
planets. I would also include Chiron, and at the moment, there is good work
being done on many new planetary discoveries, such as Sedna and Varuna. But
technically, as a term of art, the strict answer is: modern planet = Uranus,
Pluto, and Neptune.
Now, back to Capricorn.
Have you ever met an actual goat? Of
course you have. Have you ever met a boring goat? I doubt it. They are some of
the most alive critters you'll find around a farm. Anyone who will stroll up to
you and eat your jacket, or whack your leg with their head to get your
attention, is having a good time.
However, we can't avoid the fact that
Capricorn is the sign of tradition. And tradition is an interesting thing. It
is a living thing. One of my teachers, a radical rabbi named Arthur Joseph
Kushner, once gave me a little talk on the subject. He said, basically, that if
a tradition does not change, it is dead. Capricorn, being very much alive, is
the sign of the LIVING TRADITION.
And with the addition of modern planets
and modern rulers, the tradition of astrology is changing, it is growing, and
it's demonstrating to the world that it's not stuck in old-timey, spooky
Medieval thinking, but rather that it can adapt and develop. And these
adaptations are all subtle acts of revolution.
Richard Tarnas, author of
"Prometheus the Awakener" (the best book on Uranus), notes that
Uranus is considered the planet of revolution; but in mythology, he was the
Greek sky-god who was overthrown by Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn). Saturn
gets none too little credit for its ability to bring change to the world. But
plenty of change it brings.
But the kind of change that Saturn, or by
extension Capricorn, inaugurates has a lot to do with understanding the
foundations of history. You were born Jan. 3, the same day as J.R.R. Tolkien.
This is a Capricorn writer who was so in touch with history and the
pre-historical past that he wrote an entire mythology as a gift to
Tolkien approaches the past, and relates
the past and to the past -- whether it happened or not -- as if it was real and
as if he were there. His history in "The Silmarillion" goes back to
the beginning of time and proceeds to the end of the Third Age, when "The
Lord of the Rings" begins. These renditions of history are directly
applicable to the times in which we live. They are ancient, but distinctly
modern in a very old way. Welcome to Capricorn.
I have a friend and accomplice also born
Jan. 3, named Steve Bergstein. He is a civil rights lawyer, which means that he
has to take the oldest principles of law, understand them, and apply them to
modern times. He has to explain why the tradition is applicable now, or how we
apply things that happen now to the concept of tradition. He is extraordinarily
young to be arguing before federal appellate panels, but his proper, formal
exterior, his polite and retreating demeanor, and his ability to function a
little like an encyclopedia get him pretty far. He wins cases on constitutional
grounds long considered to be useless. And he seems boring -- until you find
out what an opinionated maverick he is.
I have another very good friend in
Antique deeds?
These are deeds for often extremely expensive
properties that describe where the property is by saying it goes fifty paces
from the old oak tree, up to the property line of old man Steadfedbetter, then
proceeds ten links of chain down the hill to the pile of rocks by the creek.
The chain of title needs to be reassembled, verified, and brought up to the
present day, so it will stand up in court or with a title insurance company. He
can put these ancient things back together and find the property on the ground
like nobody else. Chris is rather frightening to those who perpetuate fraud by
raising clouds of confusion created by the language in these documents, which
can date back to land grants in the 17th century.
The thing about Chris is that he's a
revolutionary -- one of the most honest to God true ones that I know (he refers
to himself as a nonviolent revelationary).
A man I did not know, the beloved Che
Guevara, was another master of both tradition and revolution, and he had the
Capricorn Moon. Che was scholarly, intelligent, trained as a doctor, formal in
his appearance, loyal to the last day of his life, and the engineer of the
Cuban revolution.
Capricorn is a very interesting mix of
energies. And in a most bizarre way, the essence of the idea of modern.
Objection sustained.
Next case.