Aries in Reverse
March 25, 2005 (with chart)
Dear Readers,
What interesting astrology we've got going on now. If I had
to describe it in a single phrase, it would be "pioneering
introspective" -- like an adventure story of opening up new inner
territory. Lots of Aries action -- Amor, Venus, Sun, Mercury and the lunar node
-- all say pioneering; and the fact of Mercury being retrograde is pulling the
awareness inward. So we have a mix of outgoing and introspective -- which is
really a perfect balance.
The Full Moon in Libra on Friday is keeping everything perky
as well. Here, the Moon meets the Sun-Venus exterior conjunction, pouring a lot
of feminine energy through the ethers. So there's really an excellent mix of
outgoing and interior; of masculine and feminine energies.
Here is a chart for the Full Moon, set in
And without further ado, here are some of your questions and
charts this week...tune into Planet
Waves for more.