Dealing with Transits to a Stellium
March 25, 2005 (with chart)
Hi Eric!
I've been going through enormous growth and changes, particularly since the
beginning of the 1990s. My entire life and myself as an individual has changed
completely since then. Whenever change happens it all seems to overlap with me
so that career, finances, relationships and what I value all get an overhaul at
once. I was born on March 31st, 1957, at 6:15 am in
Thanks Eric,
Dear Mariac,
I think you've described the energy and common experience of a stellium quite
well in your question. People with points of concentration in a chart (called
stelliums, or clusters, where a number of planets are grouped together) tend to
go through a lot at once, because when a moving planet makes a transit to that
region of their chart, it stirs up a lot (please see next question for
additional clarification).
I think that a blind person would be squinting at your
chart. You were born at the Aries New Moon, with the New Moon rising, and for
sure, Mercury and Venus are mixed in. However -- you are now under some rather
extraordinary transits, including Mercury retrograding back over these planets,
and an eclipse that will aspect your Sun, Moon and ascendant.
These are powerful harbingers of a deep, authentic personal
re-emergence. Rather than predict who you will become over the next month or
so, why don't we wait and hear back from you? In the mean time, hang loose.